Page 1 - 18 October 2024
P. 1

The  country  experienced  a
             heatwave  the  week  and
             especially during the weekend
             of  11  to  13  October.
             Temperatures  rose  to  over
             32°C, with some areas, such as
             Bloemfontein,  allegedly
             measuring 35°C. The Eastern
             Cape  was  no  exception  with
             temperatures  soaring  above
             Suddenly on Sunday night and
             Monday morning the tempera-                                              T h e   T h a b o   M b e k i    the danger of sowing division   consequences of this is that
             tures dropped suddenly and an                                            Foundation's  report,  sent   between  communities  and   excellent  teachers  and
             icy  wind  had  inhabitants                                              on  10  October  2024  by   stifling healthy debate.  principals cannot cope with
             reaching for the winter jackets                                          former  president  Mbeki  to   According  to  Alana  Bailey,   the  constant  pressure  and
             once again.                                                              G a u t e n g ' s   M E C   f o r    AfriForum's head of Cultural   retire  early  or  bid  the
                                                                                      E d u c a t i o n ,   M a t o m e    Affairs,  the  GDE  has  been   education sector farewell.”
             Mr Sarel Pretorius posted snow
                                                                                      Chiloane,  condemns  the   notorious  for  years  for   Kallie  Kriel,  CEO  of
             photographs on Facebook on                                               interference of the Gauteng   overreacting  to  untested   AfriForum,  says  that  the
             Tuesday morning. This dusting                                            Department  of  Education   a l l e g a t i o n s   a g a i n s t    GDE's actions at PHSG once
             of snow explains the icy wind                                            (GDE)  at  Pretoria  High   functional  schools,  while   again  prove  that  Premier
             that  could  be  felt  in  town  in                                      School  for  Girls  (PHSG)  in   little  is  disclosed  about   Panyaza  Lesufi,  MEC
             Barkly East.                                                             the strongest terms.     actions  against  dysfunc-  Chiloane  and  the  GDE  are
             Mrs  Sandra  Labuschagne                                                 In  the  former  president's   tional  schools  in  the   bullies  who  want  dictatorial
             measured an icy -2°C on the                                              letter  to  Chiloane,  he   province.            control over schools, to the
             farm Uitkyk in the Clifford area.                                        criticises,  among  other   “The  department  likes  to   detriment  of  children,
                                                                                      things, that the Department   incite  communities  against   parents  and  the  powers  of
             We trust that this cold spell will                                       had  already  intervened   each other and use schools   governing bodies.
             quickly  pass  and  that  our                                            before there had even been   and  children  as  political   This  is  another  reason  why
             veggie gardens and blossoms                                              any  prima  facie  proof  of   pawns,  instead  of  focusing   AfriForum opposes the parts
             survive the cold.                                                        racism  at  the  school.   on  quality  education  and   of  the  Bela  Act  that  grant
                                                                                      Furthermore, he refers to the   offering support to teaching   draconian  powers  to  Lesufi
                                                                                      events  as  an  “unfortunate   staff and governing bodies.   and  his  ideologically-driven
                                                                                      episode”  and  emphasises   One of the most destructive   team.
                                                                                      What is the BELA Bill?                           amendments  as  explained
                                                                                                                                       by  the  Parliamentary
                                                                                      On Friday 13 September, President Cyril Ramaphosa officially   Monitoring Group:
                                                                                      signed the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill   Clause  Eight  deals  with
                                                                                      into  law,  but  with  a  delay  on  the  implementation  of  two   random search, seizure, and
                                                                                      clauses — clauses 4 and 5.The BELA Bill proposes significant   drug  testing  in  schools,
                                                                                      amendments  to  the  South  African  Schools  Act  (SASA)  of   outlining  procedures  for
                                                                                      1996 and the Educators Employment Act of 1998.   these activities.
                                                                                      Here is a brief summary of some of the amendments:.  Clause  Nine  clarifies  what
                                                                                                                                       c o n s t i t u t e s   s e r i o u s
                                                                                      Clause  4  of  the  Bela  Bill   also  states  that  anyone
                                                                                      gives  greater  control  over   disrupting school activities is   misconduct  for  learners,
                                                                                      admissions  policy  to  the   liable to a maximum of 12   guiding  schools  on  how  to
                                                                                      department  of  education,   months in prison.   handle  cases  such  as
                                                                                      rather  than  the  school  and   •   H o m e   e d u c a t i o n    stabbing or rape.
                                                                                      also compels the school to   regulation:  The  amend-  Clause  Ten  addresses
                                                                                      admit and educate children   ment allows the department   corporal punishment, defin-
                                                                                      who  might  not  have  the   head  to  conduct  site  visits   ing  what  actions  are
                                                                                      necessary documentation.  before  registering  home   prohibited  and  reinforcing
                                                                                      Clause  5  states  that  the   education.  It  enables  the   the  ban  on  corporal
                                                                                      school’s  governing  body   minister of basic education   punishment.
                                                                                      must  submit  the  language   to  regulate  the  registration   Clause  Eleven  focuses  on
                                                                                      policy of a public school and   and administration of home   a b o l i s h i n g   i n i t i a t i o n
                                                                                      any  amendment  thereof  to   education,  acknowledging   practices  in  schools  and
                                                                                      the  provincial  head  of   the  preference  of  some   promoting  programs  that
                                                                                      department for approval.  parents for home-schooling   integrate  new  learners
                                                                                      •   M a k i n g   G r a d e   R    over public schooling.  without  subjecting  them  to
                                                                                      Compulsory:  Grade  R  will   • Accommodating religion   uncomfortable treatment.
                                                                                      be  the  compulsory  start  of   in  school  codes  of   Clause  Twelve  permits
                                                                                      school.                  conduct: The bill proposes   schools  to  change  their
                                                                                      •  Criminalising  parental   that  school  codes  of   curriculum  or  nature,
                                                                                      negligence  in  school   conduct respect cultural and   allowing for specialisation.
                                                                                      attendance:  The  bill  seeks   religious  beliefs,  including   Clause  Fifteen  allows  for
                                                                                      to  criminalise  parents  who   provisions  for  students  to   the  removal  of  functions
                                                                                      fail  to  ensure  their  children   seek  exemptions  from   from  School  Governing
                                                                                      attend school, with potential   certain code requirements.  Bodies (SGBs) if they are not
                                                                                      jail time as a consequence. It   Here  are  a  few  more   performing adequately.
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