Page 7 - 18 October 2024
P. 7

THE REPORTER 18 OCTOBER       2024  · PAGE 7

                                     seekoeie,  vrugtevlermuise   hulle  die  Two  Oceans   pened  on  the  3rd  of
                                     en nog vele meer.        Akwarium  en  kry  geleent-  December 1967. It was one
                                                              heid  om  meer  oor  die   of the greatest moments in
                                     On  day  three  they  hit  the
                                     road  again  to  spend  the   oseaan  te  leer  en  die   medical history.
                                     night  in  Still  Bay.  On  their   seelewe  van  naby  te  waar-  Dag tien en tyd om weer in
                                     way  there,  they  visited  the   deer.  Om  so  naby  aan  'n   die  pad  te  val  halfpad  huis
                                                              haai  te  wees  was  onge-
                                     Redberry  Farm  to  pick                         toe.  Die  graad  7's  kon
                                     some  strawberries  and  do   looflik  en  sekere  dele  voel   l e k ke r   a f ko e l   i n   d i e
                                                              dit of mens onder deur die
                                     the  Hedge  Maze.  On  their   see  loop.  Die  dag  is   swembad by hulle blyplek in
                                     arrival in Still Bay the NSRI   afgesluit  deur  die  V  &  A   Oudtshoorn.  Hulle  het  die
                                     came to talk to them about   Waterfront  te  besoek.  Vir   aand  'n  lekker  kompetisie
                                     water  safety.  It  was  a  cold   die graad 7's was dit lekker   gehad. Elke bus se leerders
                                     day but that didn't stop the   om deur al die verskillende   moes 'n dans opvoer en die
                                     grades  7's  from  swimming                      juffrouens  het  ook  gewys
               KAAPSE TOER 2024                               winkels te loop en bietjie te
                                     in  the  ocean.  After  a  good   “shop”.  Dag  sewe  was   dat  hulle  weet  hoe  om  te
             Die  Kaapse  Toer  is  al  vir   night's  rest  everyone  was   verseker  'n  hoogtepunt  by   dans. Na 'n wonderlike tien
             baie  jare  'n  hoogtepunt  vir   excited  to  drive  to  Cape   Cool Runnings. Dit was vet-  dae is dit tyd om huistoe te
             elke  graad  7.  Die  tyd  het   Town.    World  of  birds  was   pret en die onderwysers het   gaan.  Almal  was  baie
             aangebreek  en  op  die  8ste   their  first  stop  in  Cape   net  so  lekker  soos  die   opgewonde  om  hulle
             September  vertrek  die   Town. On day five they went   kinders  by  daai  bult   geliefdes te sien en in hulle
             busse  na  hulle  eerste  be-  on  a  tour  through  the   afgekom.      eie bed te slaap.
             stemming.  Veilig  in  Oudts-  Castle  of  good  Hope.  A   Walking  shoes  on  to  start   What  a  privilege  to  go  on
             hoorn  en  almal  rus  lekker   quick stop on signal hill for   day  eight  by  visiting  Cape   such  an  amazing  tour.
             na 'n lang dag op die pad.   lunch and to enjoy the view.   Point, the south western tip   Thank  you  to  all  the
             Dag  twee  en  reg  vir  hulle   Table  Mountain  was  their   of  Africa.  It  was  a  tough   teachers,  parents  and
             eerste  besoekpunt,  die   next  destination.  What  an   climb,  but  was  worth  it  in   sponsors  that  made  this
             Cango  Grotte.  Afrika  se   amazing  experience  to  visit   the  end.  The  view  was   opportunity  possible  for
             grootste  vertoongrotte  en   one  of  the  Seven  Wonders   breath taking. Day nine and   each learner. It's definitely a
             een van die Sewe Wonders   of  the  World  that  is  in  our   their last day in Cape Town   tour  they  would  always
             van  Suid-Afrika.  Wat  'n   country. Going on the cable   they  visited  the  Cape  Town   remember  and  cherish.  To
             belewenis.  Daarna  besoek   car  was  a  lot  of  fun.  The   Science  Centre.  It  was  a   2024's  grade  7  class,  a
             hulle  die  Cango  Volstruis-  cable car was completed in   day  filled  with  experiments   round  of  applause  to  you,
             plaas en leer meer oor vol-  1929 and the cableway was   and  science  games.  Later   all  the  tour  guides  at  each
             struise  en  kry  die  geleent-  opened on 4 October 1929.   that day the grade 7's went   site  that  you  visited
             heid om hulle te voer. Hulle   The  cableway  has  been   to  visit  the  Heart  of  Cape   complimented  you  on  your
             volgende  bestemming  was   upgraded three times since   Town  Museum  at  Groote   good  manners  and  good
             die  Krokodilplaas,  waar  die   then.           Schuur  Hospital.  They  got   behaviour.  To our Heavenly
             graad  7's  'n  groot  verskei-  Dag  ses  begin  hulle  hullle   to  see  where  the  very  first   Father,  we  thank  you  for
             denheid  dierspesies  kon   dag  met  'n  bootrit  en  sien   successful  human  heart   keeping  each  and  every
             sien, onder andere leeus, 'n   hoe  die  robbe  in  die  see   transplant, led by Christiaan   learner  and  teacher  safe
             luiperd, 'n wit tier, miniatuur   baljaar.  Daarna  besoek   Neethling  Barnard,  hap-  during the Cape Tour.
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