Page 9 - 18 October 2024
P. 9

THE REPORTER 18 OCTOBER       2024  · PAGE 9

                                     Die  seuns  het  baie  goeie          Kidnap victim crawls to safety
                                     rugby  gespeel  en  het  dit
                                     baie geniet.
                       Vervolg van                                   after suspects crash while trying to
                         bladsy 6    Die  o/12  span  het  2  uit  4
                                     wedstryde gewen.
                 SOMERFEES 7'S       Die  o/13's  het  al  hul                          flee from EC police
             The  u/12  and  u/13  boys   wedstryde  gewen  en  eindig
             p a r t i c i p a t e d   i n   t h e    as  die  wenners  van  die   Written by Se-Anne Rall     She said while police officers   The  two  suspects  were
             Somerfees  7's  tournament   toernooi.                   Senior Digital Journalist, IOL News      were  busy  on  scene,  they   charged  with  hijacking,
             from  11-12  October  in   Well, done boys. You made                                              heard  noises  coming  from   kidnapping  and  possession
             Burgersdorp.            us proud.                                                                 the boot.               of  an  illegal  firearm  and
                                                                                                               "Upon  further  investigation,
                                                                                                               an  unknown  man  crawled   They  are  both  expected  to
                                                                                                               his  way  from  the  boot   appear in the New Brighton
                                                                                                               through the back seats and   Magistrate's Court.
                                                                                                               informed the members that
                                                                                                               he was hijacked," she said.  IOL News

                                                                 Two suspects have been arrested and a kidnap
                                                               victim rescued after a high speed chase ended in a
                                                                crash in the Eastern Cape’s New Brighton area.
                                                                               Picture: SAPS
                                                              A man, who had been hijacked and shoved into
                                                              the boot of his vehicle, managed to crawl to
                                                              safety after suspects crashed his white VW Polo
                                                              while trying to flee from police.

                                                              Po l i c e   o f f i c e r s   w e r e    driver lost control and the car
                                                              conducting  patrols  in   crashed into a wall.
                                                              Mahambahlala  when  they   Suspects  alighted  from  the
                                                              spotted  the  vehicle  driving   vehicle and fired at police.
                                                              through  side  streets  in  the
                                                              area.                   "Officers  arrested  one
                                                                                      suspect with a firearm in his
                                                              "In  Seyisi  Street,  officers   possession  as  well  as  the
                                                              wanted  to  stop  the  vehicle   driver who was stuck in the
                                                              but when the occupants saw   crashed vehicle," Janse van   The firearm and ammunition that police retrieved
                                                              the  police,  they  sped  off,"   Rensburg said.          from the suspects. Picture: SAPS
                                                              said  Eastern  Cape  police
                                                              spokesperson,  Captain
                                                              Sandra Janse Van Rensburg.

                                                              She  said  police  called  for
                                                              back  up  and  a  high  speed
                                                              chase ensued.

                                                              Janse van Rensburg said as
                                                              the Polo approached a traffic
                                                              circle at Mavuso Street, the
                          TENNIS SOMERFEES

                                      Cradock Krieket O/13
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