Page 1 - 21 June 2024
P. 1

Farm Attack:                                                              The  South  African

              Successful Arrest                                                                   GNU

                         of Suspects

                                                                                       (GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY)
             On Sunday, 9 June Mr Dirk
             Odendaal  senior  (69),  was                                              –  the  way  forward
             brutally attacked on his farm,
             Omega,  in  the  Barkly  East
             district.                                                                On Friday evening, 14 June   signed up to be part of the   cohesion  and  unity  in
             At  approximately  21:30,  Mr                                            2024,  after  a  full  day  of   unity government pact.   diversity;
             Odendaal was on his way to                                               proceedings during the first   This  collectively  represents   • Peace,  stability  and  safe
             the generator room to switch                                             sitting  of  the  National   273  seats  in  the  National   communities,  especially
             off  the  generator,  which  is                                          Assembly  of  the  seventh   Assembly,  or  68%  of   for women and children;
             about  15  meters  from  his                                             Parliament,  President   parliament’s 400 seats. ANC
             home, when he was attacked                                               Ramaphosa  was  re-elected   -159 seats, the DA - 87 seats,   • Accountability,  trans-
             by  2  men.  He  was  brutally                                           as President.            the IFP -17 seats, PA - 9 seats   parency  and  community
             stabbed in the neck.                                                     The sitting took place at the   and GOOD has a single seat.   p a r t i c i p a t i o n   i n
             He valiantly fought back and                                             Cape  Town  International   The  Economic  Freedom
             the  assailants  fled.  He                                               Convention Centre (CTICC)   Fighters party has 39 seats   • Evidence-based  policy
             managed to get back to the                                               in the Western Cape.     and has said it will not be part   and decision-making;
             house.  He  contacted  his                                               Three  hundred  and  thirty-  of  a  government  that   • A  professional,  merit-
             son,  Dirk  (Junior)  and  was                                           nine  ballot  papers  were   includes  the  DA  or  the   based,  non-partisan,
             rushed to hospital.                                                      issued and counted, with 12   Freedom Front Plus.   developmental  public
                                                                                      invalid  ballots.  Ramaphosa                       service  that  puts  people
             He had lost a lot of blood and                                                                    The  ANC  says  it  has  not
             was transferred to a hospital                                            received  283  votes  against   closed the door on the GNU   first;
             in  Bloemfontein.  He  is                                                Economic  Freedom  Figh-  as  discussions  with  other   • Integrity,  good  gover-
             expected  to  make  a  full                                              ters  leader  Julius  Malema,   parties are ongoing.  nance  and  accountable
             recovery.                                                                who  received  44  votes.   The  uMkhonto  we  Sizwe   leadership.
                                                                                      (Okay I just don’t understand
             As far as we can ascertain the                                           the invalid Ballots – these are   party  (MK),  led  by  former   The  Patriotic  Alliance  party
             K9 unit was also involved in                                             the leaders of a country, our   President  Jacob  Zuma,  (58   leader,  Gayton  McKensie
             the search for the suspects.                                             parliamentarians,  sup-  seats) has said it will join an   says he is willing to take the
                                                                                                               alliance of opposition parties
             On  Tuesday  afternoon  the   S A P S   w e r e   n o t i f i e d ,    Congratulations to the SAPS   posedly educated).   called  the  "Progressive   Police  Ministry  if  Home
             SAPS  let  the  farming   fortunately  there  was  a   members  and  farmers  who   The  President’s  election   Caucus", which includes the   Affairs isn't up for grabs. The
             community  know  that  they   vehicle in the area and they   responded  quickly  on   c a m e   a f t e r   f o r m e r    EFF  and  the  United   party has been gunning for
             had  information  that  the   responded very quickly. They   Monday  morning.  The   Agriculture,  Land  Reform   Democratic Movement.   Home  Affairs,  promising  to
             suspects  were  in  the   found the suspects near the   community  at  large  is   and  Rural  Development   According to this statement   mass  deport  all  illegal
             Heuningneskloof  area.   Wolfhuis cuttings. On seeing   deserving of commendation   Minister,  Thoko  Didiza  was   of intent, parties that want to   foreigners.  He  further  says
             Local  farmers  immediately   the police, the men started   for  their  co-operation  and   elected as the Speaker of the   form part of the GNU must   his  past  gangster  life  has
             notified farmers in the Lady   running,  but  they  were   involvement.  A  huge  thank   National  Assembly.  The   commit  to  upholding  the   equipped  him  to  be  Police
             Grey and surrounding areas,   apprehended.       you  to  Dr  Olivier  and   Democratic  Alliance's  Dr   following principles:   Minister.
             giving them a description of   Detectives  are  also  investi-  everyone  involved  and  for   Annelie  Lotriet  was  elected   We,  as  South  African
             the two suspects.                                                        as the Deputy Speaker.   • R e s p e c t   f o r   t h e
                                     gating possible links to other   the brave ladies who noticed               Constitution,  the  Bill  of   citizens, can only hope and
             Vigilant  ladies  from  Lady   cases  of  housebreaking  in   the suspects and raised the   By  Monday  evening  South   Rights  in  its  entirety,  a   pray that all these promises
             G r e y   a r e a   s a w   t w o    the area. The two suspects   alarm.  Africa's new government had   united  South  Africa  and   are  upheld  and  the  parties
             suspicious looking men at a   aged  27  and  32  years  old              five parties in it, representing   the rule of law;   involved in the GNU will work
             stop-n-go  between  Barkly   appeared  in  the  magistrate   The  family  requested  a   more than two thirds of the      together  peacefully  for  the
             East and Lady Grey early on   court on Thursday 13 June,   special  thank  you  to   seats  in  the  National   • Non-racialism  and  non-  benefit and upliftment of all
             Wednesday  morning.  They   on the charges of attempted   Detective  Warrant  Officer   Assembly,  and  talks  with   sexism;   South Africans.
             alerted  the  Barkly  farmers   murder, possession of illegal   Jansen  and  his  team  that   other parties were ongoing.   • Social  justice,  redress   As  some  commentators
             who  could  identify  them   ammunition and possession   would  not  rest  until  the   The  Democratic  Alliance,   and  equity,  and  the   have said that it is pleasing to
             from  the  photograph.  The   of a dangerous weapon.  suspects were arrested.  Inkatha  Freedom  Party  and   alleviation of poverty;   note that at long last South
                                                                                      the  Patriotic  Alliance  have   • Human  dignity  and  the   African  politicians  are
             The New Premiers of the 9 Provinces                                      joined  the  Government  of   progressive realisation of   putting  aside  self-  interest
                                                                                                                 socio-economic rights;
                                                                                      National Unity. Later another
                                                                                                                                       and  promising  to  promote
                                                                                      smaller  party,  GOOD,  also   • Nation-building,  social   the interests of the country.
             In the May 29th elections, six   the  legislature),  Lesufi's   (DA)
             out of nine provinces had a   appointment  was  through   DA's  Alan  Winde  was  re-  Freedom Front (FF) Plus and   re-elected as Premier of the   Letsoha-Mathae (ANC)
             party  that  received  an   the  backing  of  partners  of   elected as the Premier of the   the  Patriotic  Alliance  (PA),   province  at the legislature's   ANC  women's  league
             outright  majority.  This   the Government of National   Western  Cape,  beating   which have a combined four   first  sitting  on  June  14th.   treasurer-general  Maqueen
             m e a n t   t h e i r   P r e m i e r    Unity   ANC's Khalid Sayed 26 votes   seats  in  the  legislature,   The ANC received 62.16% of   Letsoha-Mathae was elected
             candidates  could  take  the   KwaZulu-Natal:  Thami   to 14.            supported  Saul  to  be   the votes in the province  as Premier in the Free State.
             lead  in  the  provincial   Ntuli (IFP)                                  Premier.                 North  West:  Lazarus
             executive quite easily.                          Northern Cape: Dr. Zamani                        Mokgosi (ANC)           We are seeing strange bed-
                                     Ntuli received 41 votes, while   Saul (ANC)      Limpopo:  Dr.  Phophi                            fellows    and  a  lot  of  horse
             However,  the  appointments   the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK)                 Ramathuba (ANC)          ANC's  deputy  North  West   trading  as  in  the  Northern
             in  Gauteng  and  KwaZulu-  candidate,  deputy  prime   N o r t h e r n   C a p e   A N C         c h a i r p e r s o n   L a z a r u s    Cape, KZN and Gauteng.
             Natal, and to a lesser extent   minister  of  the  Zulu  Royal   chairperson Dr. Zamani Saul   A N C ' s   D r .   P h o p h i    Mokgosi, was elected as the
             in the Northern Cape, were   House  Inkosi  Phathisizwe   was re-elected Premier of the   Ramathuba, was elected as   Premier.  I  was  indeed  suprised  that
             the  result  of  rigorous  inter-  Chiliza, garnered 39 votes.  Northern Cape, beating DA   Premier of Limpopo  Mpumalanga:  Mandla   the  Freedom  Front  and  PA
                                                                                                                                       backed the ANC in the North
                                                              provincial leader Izak Fritz .
             party negotiations.                                                      The ANC won a majority of
                                     Tembe was elected with the   Although the ANC failed to                   Ndlovu (ANC)            Cape.
             These  are  all  of  the  newly-  support of the IFP, ANC, DA            the seats (73,3%)        ANC Mpumalanga provincial
             elected provincial Premiers:  and National Freedom Party   win  an  outright  majority  in   Eastern  Cape:  Oscar   chairperson  former  MEC  in   We trust for positive changes
                                                                                                                                       throughout our country and
                                                              the  general  election,  with
             Gauteng:  Panyaza  Lesufi   (NFP) – all of which are in a   49.34%  of  the  votes  and   Mabuyane (ANC)  the province, Mandla Ndlovu   that  the  interest  of  the
             (ANC)                   coalition.               taking 15 of the 30 provincial   ANC  Eastern  Cape  chair-  was elected unopposed.  country and people are seen
             The ANC won 28/80 seats in   Western Cape: Alan Winde   legislature  seats,  the   person Oscar Mabuyane was   Free  State:  Maqueen   as paramount.
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