Page 6 - 21 June 2024
P. 6


                                                                             Barkly East &

                                                                               Maclear JKA

                                                              Barkly East & Maclear JKA held their first combined
                                                              Grading and training weekend on 14 & 15 June, this
                                                              was the Maclear Dojo's very first grading.
                                                              Maclear  Dojo  opened  in  February  this  year.  Both
                                                              Dojo’s reaped the rewards of all their hard work and
                                                              dedication at this grading.
                                                              A total of 32 Karateka graded this past Saturday, 21   Hansie Meyer: Passed to Jnr Orange 2
                                                              from Barkly East Dojo and 11 from Maclear Dojo, and all   Amike van Zyl: Passed to Jnr Blue 1
             Ons wens die volgende tagtigjariges van harte geluk
             met hul verjaarsdae en wens hulle alles van die beste   passed.                                   Arthur-John Webb: Passed to Jnr Yellow 1
             vir die toekoms toe:                             Grading results below for both Barkly East and Maclear   Jaunita Botha: Passed to Jnr Yellow 1
                                                              Dojo's                                           Nqabayethu Mkhatshane: Passed to Jnr Yellow 1
             We congratulate the following octogenarians on their
                                                              Dinkie Results:                                  Senior Results:
             birthdays and wish them everything of the best for the
                                                              Anli  du  Plessis:  Passed  to  Dinkie  Green  (Double   Esté Jooste: Passed to 7th Kyu Orange
                                                              Graded)                                          Tanya van Zyl: Passed to 7th Kyu Orange
             Gene Green, 102 on 20 June                       Mbasa  Lusawana:  Passed  to  Dinkie  Green  (Double   Gallie van Zyl: Passed to 7th Kyu Orange
             Nancy Hildebrandt, 89 on 20 June                 Graded)                                          Kazimla Lusawana: Passed to 7th Kyu Orange
             Mollie Maartens, 80 op 20 Junie                  Lumi Makade: Passed to Dinkie Green              Mario Abrahams: Passed to 6th Kyu Green
             Ella Greyvenstein, 87 op 26 Junie                Ané van Zyl: Passed to Dinkie Red (Double Graded) -   Albert Pagel: Passed to 8th Kyu Yellow
                                                              also won best Female grading
                            CMR DONATES                       Elizabeth Webb: Passed to Dinkie Yellow          Lorelei Stevens: Passed to 5th Kyu Blue
                                                                                                               Angie Stevens: Passed to 5th Kyu Blue
                               BLANKETS                       Sonja Botha: Passed to Dinkie Yellow             Michael Stevens: Passed to 5th Kyu Blue - also won
                                                              Remi Mason: Passed to Dinkie Yellow
                                                                                                               best Male grading
             The  local  CMR  donated  warm  knitted  blankets  and   Qhakazile Hlathuka: Passed to Dinkie Yellow
             beanies to Cloete Joubert Hospital. The hospital will give   Kyle Viedge: Passed to Dinkie Yellow
             it to the needy mothers for their new born babies.  Kayleen Martens: Passed to Dinkie Yellow
                                                              Dillon Martens: Passed to Dinkie Yellow
                                                              Junior Results:
                                                              Lirané Pretorius: Passed to Jnr Orange 1
                                                              Amorei van Zyl: Passed to Jnr Orange 1
                                                              Kayla Strydom: Passed to Jnr Orange 1
                                                              Anaya Meyer: Passed to Jnr Orange 1
                                                              Tristan Strydom: Passed to Jnr Orange 2
                                                              Charl Jooste: Passed to Jnr Orange 2
                                                              Malan Jooste: Passed to Jnr Orange 2

                                                                                                               Since the national elections   absent  and  must  be
                                                                                                               on May 29, the country has   promptly  and  appropriately
                                                                                                               witnessed a drastic increase   addressed,  according  to
                                                                                                               in violence against farmers.   TLU SA.
                                                                                                               From  May  31  to  June  14,   "Farmers  are  the  backbone
                                                                                                               2024,  there  have  been  15   of our country's agricultural
                                                                     URGENT CALL:                              farm  attacks  and  seven   sector, and their safety is of
                                                                                                               murders  in  South  Africa.   utmost  importance,"  says
                                                                     TLU SA demands                            These figures are particularly   Bennie van Zyl, CEO of TLU
                                                                                                               concerning considering that   SA. "It is imperative that the
                                                                   accountability amid                         from January to May 2024,   new  government  publicly
                                                                                                               there were a total of 60 farm   declares  their  commitment
                                                               increase in farm murders                        attacks and nine farm mur-  to addressing this crisis and
                                                                                                               ders.  The  trend  indicates  a   fulfills  their  statutory
                                                              The agricultural organization TLU SA expresses deep   significant  increase  that   responsibility to protect the
                                                              sorrow  and  outrage  over  the  brutal  murder  of  a   cannot be ignored.  lives  and  livelihoods  of  our
              Hierdie  lys  van  funksies  en  gebeure    word   prominent  businessman  and  respected  farmer  in   With  the  new  government   farmers. TLU SA demands a
              gepubliseer  in  ‘n  poging  om  te  verhoed  dat   KwaZulu-Natal on June 13, 2024. This heinous act is   being sworn in today during   clear and actionable plan to
              belangrike fondsinsameling pogings bots. Funksies   a tragic addition to the alarming rise in farm attacks   the first parliamentary sitting   ensure  the  safety  and
              geplaas op voorwaarde dat ‘n advertensie later   and murders that have plagued South Africa over the   in  Cape  Town,  TLU  SA   security  of  those  living  and
                                                                                                                                       working in rural areas."
                                                                                                               urgently  appeals  to  the
              geplaas  word.  ‘n  Rekening  sal  gestuur  word   past two weeks.                               incoming  administration  to   TLU  SA  stands  ready  to
              indien daar nie ‘n advertensie geplaas word nie.
                                                                                                               address  this  critical  issue   collaborate  with  the
                            NOVEMBER 2024                     Five  men  in  balaclavas   weapons,  and  repeatedly   with  the  seriousness  it   government to develop and
                                                              allegedly invaded the elderly   shot him before fleeing the   deserves. The political will to   i m p l e m e n t   e f f e c t i v e
              1   Dienssentrum Basaar
                                                              farmer  Tollie  Nel's  home,   scene on foot with five stolen   combat  farm  murders  and   measures  to  combat  farm
              30  Summer Festival
                                                              demanding  money  and   firearms.                attacks  has  been  notably   violence.
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