Page 3 - 21 June 2024
P. 3

THE REPORTER 21 JUNE      2024 · PAGE 3

             With  thanks to       With  thanks to

             Two teenagers were gunned   Colonel  Naidu  says  the
             down  and  another  three   motive and the suspects are
             patrons  injured  following  a   unknown  at  this  stage  and
             shooting incident at a tavern   the  case  has  been  handed
             in Walmer on Sunday.    over to the Provincial Serious
                                     and Violent Crimes Unit.
             Police spokesperson Colonel                      The number of Mpox cases   positive this week both gave
             Priscilla Naidu says at about   She  says  the  Provincial   in South Africa has risen to   their  residential  address  as
             11  pm,  five  armed  men   Commissioner  Lieutenant   seven  with  the  latest  case   Northcliff in Gauteng.
             wearing  balaclavas  entered   Nomthetheleli  Mene  is   confirmed  at  a  private
             the  tavern  and  started   deeply  saddened  and   hospital in Cape Town.  DEATHS
             shooting at patrons.    outraged  by  the  tragic                        The  first  patient  who  died
             She  says  an  18-year-old   shooting  that  occurred  on   Three  provinces  are  now   was a 39-year-old man who
                                                                                      succumbed in the Thembisa
                                                              affected  by  the  M-pox
             male and female died at the   Youth Day, a public holiday   outbreak  with  two  deaths   Hospital  while  the  second
             scene  while  three  others   meant  to  celebrate  and   recorded  in  Gauteng  and   death  was  recorded  in   Ons innige simpatie aan die familie en vriende van
             were injured.           honour  the  youth  of  our                      KwaZulu Natal.           Truby Sauer met haar skielike heengaan verlede
                                     nation.                  Kwazulu Natal respectively.
             Police  were  called  to  the                                            Mpox  is  a  preventable  and   week.
             scene in Bhabhatane Street   Two  cases  of  murder  and   A  spokesperson  for  the   t r e a t a b l e   d i s e a s e   i f    “Die  familie  kondig  met  hartseer  die  skielike
             where  the  two  bodies  were   three  of  attempted  murder   Department of Health Foster   diagnosed early.
             found.                  are under investigation.  Mohale says almost all cases                    heengaan  van  Truby  Sauer  op  Woensdag  12
                                                              are patients living with HIV.  People  are  urged  to  avoid   Junie 2024, aan.”
             Two men and a woman were   The  names  of  the  victims                  physical  contact  with
             injured in the attack.  have not yet been released.  He says the latest confirmed   someone  with  Mpox  and   'n Roudiens word op Saterdag 22 Junie 2024, om
                                                              case  is  a  39-year-old  man   practice  hand  hygiene  and
                                                              who tested positive for Mpox   respiratory etiquette.  11h00 uit die N.G. Kerk, Maclear, gehou.
                                                              on Thursday presenting with   Diagnosed  cases/patients
                                                              severe lesions on his skin.                      s p r e a d   t o   o v e r   1 0 0    registered  treatment  for
                                                                                      should where possible, avoid   countries.        Mpox in South Africa.
                                                              All positive cases are men in   contact  with  immuno-  Minister  Phaahla  reiterates
                                                              their thirties.         compromised  people,     the importance of personal   However,  the  World  Health
                                                                                      children or pregnant women                       O r g a n i s a t i o n   ( W H O )
                                                              Meanwhile,  the  Minister  of   who may be at higher risk of   hygiene, timely presenting at   recommends  using  Tecovi-
                                                              Health, Dr Joe Phaahla said   severe symptoms if exposed.  the  health  facility  for  early   rimat  (TPOXX)  for  severe
                                                              they  are  looking  into                         diagnosis  and  effective   cases. The Department has
                                                              obtaining  vaccines  with  the   Mohale  says  results  for  the   treatment  in  case  of   obtained  Tecovirimat  via
                                                              help  of  the  World  Health   first three cases sequenced a   suspected  symptoms  and   S e c t i o n   2 1   S A P H R A
                                                              Organization (WHO) and the   type as clade ll b, the same   close physical contact with a   approval  on  a  compas-
                                                              South  African  Health  and   a s   t h e   s u b - l i n e a g e    known case.  sionate use basis for the five
                                                              The  South  African  Health   responsible  for  the  multi-  TREATMENT
                                                              P r o d u c t s   R e g u l a t o r y    country  outbreak  which        known  patients  with  severe
                                                              Authority (SAHPRA).     began in 2022 and has since   Currently,  there  is  no   disease.
                                                              He  said  vaccines  will  be
                                                              sourced  from  other  African
                                                              countries  that  have  extra
             What is monkeypox?                               stock.

             Monkeypox is a virus that is related to smallpox. It can   The  Department  said  sex
             cause  a  rash,  swollen  lymph  nodes  and  flu-like   workers, men who have sex
             symptoms.  In  most  cases,  it  causes  relatively  mild   with men and laboratory and
             illness. Although it can be uncomfortable and painful,   health workers will be the first
             most  people  don't  wind  up  in  the  hospital  from   to receive the vaccine.
             monkeypox and it rarely causes death.            The  patients  who  tested

                                                                                       Photograph: WHO
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