Page 27 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 27

If we become aware of this fact and                      medications, self-prescribed, almost

    eat something before drinking milk                       daily for a long period of time. These
    tea, it reduces acidity in the stomach                   relievers tend to disturb the natural

    and can help us prevent gastritis.                       digestion process of the body which

    Likewise, our diet consists of high                      worsens the condition.
    amount of oil and salts but we do not  The problem of gastritis arising from

    drink sufficient water to maintain it.                   our lifestyle and dietary habits can

    This is also a leading cause. Another                    be treated by adopting basic dietary

    common cause is skipping meals.                          precautions and a small period
    Going for a long time without eating  of medication by appropriately

    anything can cause the gastric juices                    consulting with a doctor. We need to

    to irritate the stomach lining. In                       stop believing the myths and focus
    addition, when we are very hungry, we towards the facts in order to treat and

    tend to eat too much food which can  prevent gastritis and lead a healthy

    cause the digestive system to become  lifestyle.
    increasingly sensitive. So, this habit

    needs to be avoided and it would be                      Reference

    better to eat small quantities at more                   Shakya,Rabi. Gastritis: a national
    frequent intervals.                                      epidemic. Retrieved from https://

    Also, there are many misconceptions            

    regarding gastritis. There are many

    people who believe that certain types                    Robinson, Jennifer. Gastritis:
    of small but extremely hot chillies                      Symptoms, causes, treatments and

    work as medicines. But it is a food                      more. Retrieved from https://www.

    that increases acid secretion inside           
    the stomach which worsens the

    condition rather than curing. There                      Wint,Carmella.Yu,Winnie. Gastritis.

    are also many who practice the ritual                    Retrieved from https://www.

    of drinking two or three glasses of            
    water at a time to induce vomiting,

    believing that it will purify the gut.                   Barhum, Lana. Diet tips for gastritis

    But this belief also has no scientific                   and stomach ulcers. Retrieved from
    verification. And also there are               

    some people who believe that a little

    amount of alcohol helps in preventing
    gastritis. This is a myth which causes a                                                            17

    great harm. Some people take antacid
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