Page 25 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 25
Kanchan Bhandari
Batch 2018
‘Gastric’ is a word which is familiar The common reason behind this is
with almost all Nepalese; from young infection with Helicobacter pylori
children to the elderly people. In bacteria. Other causes include
every family functions, get-togethers, the consumption of foods having
parties or any kind of gatherings, high content of salts and fats and
there is at least one person who processed foods, high consumption
denies eating or drinking a particular of alcohol, use of non-steroidal anti-
food or beverage and apparently, the inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and
reason for that is ‘Gastric’. This term some inflammatory diseases, such as
‘Gastric’ which we use commonly, Crohn’s disease.
actually refers to a medical issue
known as ‘Gastritis’. What are its risk factors?
The risk factors for gastritis include
What is Gastritis? the following:
Gastritis is an inflammation, • Alcohol use
irritation or erosion of the protective • Bacterial infection
lining of the stomach. It can occur • High levels of stress
suddenly (acute) or gradually • Smoking
(chronic). Acute gastritis involves • Erosion or thinning of the
sudden, severe inflammation whereas stomach lining (e.g., due to age)
chronic gastritis involves long-term • Certain medications
inflammation that can last for years if --Aspirin
it is left untreated. --Chemotherapy drugs (used to
destroy cancer cells)
Weakness or injury to the mucus- --Iron and potassium supplements
lined barrier that protects our --Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
stomach wall allows the digestive drugs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen)
juices to damage and inflame our -- Steroids
stomach lining, i.e. causes gastritis. 15