Page 20 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 20
This requires lifelong care and
With increasing population and management. Quitting tobacco
changing life style, the burden of use and alcohol along with weight
diabetes is high especially in urban reduction are important to avoid
area. But it has somehow also complications. Healthy eating,
influence the life rural areas too. I physical activity and monitoring
belong to rural area of Nepal and blood glucose levels are required. In
my father runs a pharmacy here. addition oral medication or insulin,
And according to him, in these few or both are needed to control blood
years he has noticed the increment glucose levels.
in number of diabetic patients. These
data shows the prevalence of diabetes Under poor control of diabetes,
in my country. lots of other health complication
may arise. It may lead to blindness,
There is no cure of diabetes but we kidney failure, stroke, heart failure,
can control the future complications loss of a limb, and reduced life
depending upon blood sugar level expectancy. Raised blood sugar due
and by proper intake of medication to uncontrolled diabetes leads to
as per requirements. Early diagnosis serious damage to many of the body’s
can be accomplished through systems over time. Diabetes increases
blood testing, such as fasting or the risk of heart disease and stroke.
random blood glucose test, oral Diabetic retinopathy is an important
glucose tolerance test, or glycated cause of blindness, and occurs as
haemoglobin (HbA1c) test. Diabetes a result of long-term accumulated
treatment involves lowering blood damage to small blood vessels in
glucose and overall reduction in risk the retina. Diabetic neuropathy in
factors for diabetic complications, the feet increases the chance of foot
such as control of blood pressure and ulcers and eventual limb amputation.
blood lipids. Diabetes is among the leading causes
of kidney failure. The overall risk of
dying among people with diabetes is
at least double the risk of their peers
without diabetes.