Page 15 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 15
Methicillin- This text box on left, shows an example of antibiotics –
resistant penicillin, resistance shown by a bacteria Staphylococcus
Staphylococcus aureus towards curing a body pathophysiological condition
called pneumonia. It reflects a good example of misuse of
aureus antibiotics that nowadays, existing bacteria are becoming
(MRSA)- “ more resistant to their major enemy- antibiotics & hence
Don’t worry conjugating new on more antibiotics resistant types. This is
not only one major issue towards antibiotics-penicillin;
my folks, eat there are many bacteria that show a resistant to many types
penicillin, we of antibiotics due to misuse of antibiotics to kill all form of,
are almost either viable or non-viable, bacteria. Now, you can easily
arise a questions
upgrading in “Do antibodies are losing their powersor do bacteria
legend era. are now days wearing caps against antibiotics?”
Pneumonia is
now no more
in danger
from humans
because we can
fight against