Page 12 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 12

In Europe, Dose adjustment has to be done  is required in the patient or not with the
   if renal function is :                                    help of Table 1. In most of the country,
    GROUP        Description         GFR(ml/min              Dose adjustment is advised if creatinine

                                     1.73 M2)                cleatrence is below 50 or in the category of
                                                             mild renal impairment or below.
    1            Normal Renal        >80
                 Function                                    Pharmacists’ intervention is required

    2            Mild Renal          50-80                   in dose adjustment in renal and hepatic
                 Impairment                                  impaired patients. This could save lives,
    3            Moderate Renal  30-<50                      otherwise medicines kill patients. This is

                                                             preventable and has to take action instantly
                                                             if we want to prevent patients from early
    4            Severe renal        <30
                 impairment                                  death or deterioration of health condition of

    5            End Stage Renal  Requiring                  patients.
                 Disease (ESRD) Dialysis
                                                             For this Pharmacists need to be

   METHODOLOGY                                               knowledgeable and skillful.  Lets prevent
                                                             patients from Adverse Drug reactions
    For this study, age, weight, height and                  (ADRs) due to drug accumulation or over
   serum concentration of creatinine of the                  medication. Its preventable and lets prevent

   patients  are required. Before dialysis, blood            patients from death due to medicines.
   test will be done, thus serum creatinine

   value will be obtained from there. Lean
   body weight of the patient (LBW) will be                  REFERENCES
   calculated using the following formula:                   1.     P MDK. Status of Chronic Kidney
                                                             Disease Patients Registered in National

   LBW[male]= 50+2.3×inches more than 5                      Kidney Center, Banasthali, Kathmandu.

   feet.                                                     JMMIHS. 2015;1(4):19-23.
                                                             2.     Enns J AG. A path to renal

   LBW[Female]= 45.5+2.3×inches more than                    transplantation in Nepal. Journal of

   5 feet                                                    Pathology of Nepal. 2011;1:52-5.
                                                             3.     use EMAEomfH. <note-guidance-

   Then, Cock Croft and Gault  equation will                 evaluation-pharmacokinetics-medical-
   be used to calculate creatinine  clearance(3):            products-patients-impaired-renal-
   Cock croft and gault:                                     function_en.pdf>. CHMP/EWP. 23 June

   Creatinine clearance (CRCl)=                              4.     <Applied Biopharmaceutics and

   ((140-age)×body weight in kilograms)/                     Pharmacokinetics, 7th Edition.pdf>.A
   (72×Serum creatinine concentration)×0.85
   (if female)

   Based on creatinine clearance, it has to

   be decided to whether dose adjustment                                                                       2
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