Page 14 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 14

For eg. Carbapenem-resistant                              situations to tackle to such resistant
   Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are the                          bacteria. As a result unknowingly
   group of bacteria that are more                           increase in use of antibiotics day
   virtually resistant to almost all                         by day is not only making the risk
   antibiotics including carbapenems,                        in health conditions of patients
   because of developing an enzyme                           but also has become challenging
   called New Delhi metallo-beta-                            issues to us, leading slowly towards
   lactamase (NDM-1) , thus nowdays  a global crisis. Rapidly emerging
   a diseases caused due to CRE are                          resistant bacteria has threatened the
   almost untreatable or very difficult to  extraordinary health benefits that
   treat and increased in death patients  have been achieved with antibiotics
   number due to CRE infection have                          use. If this rate of using antibiotics
   rising due to antibiotic resistant.                       persists, then there may be possible
   According to a journal published                          of arriving again an era where
   on PubMed central (PMC), USA                              bacteria rules the world against us,
   titled The Antibiotic Resistance                          where bacteria may conquer upon
   crisis,” An estimated 140,000 health, to execute this condition we
   care–associated Enterobacteriaceae  need to stop misuse of antibiotics.
   infections occur in the U.S. each                         Coordinated efforts to implement
   year; 9,300 of these are caused by                        new policies, renew research efforts
   CRE. Each year, approximately                             for development of new antibiotic
   600 deaths result from infections                         agents by pharmaceutical companies
   caused by the two most common                             to address the challenge, arising
   types of CRE, carbapenem-resistant  issue of antibiotic resistant on R
   Klebsiella species and carbapenem-                        and D units, Developing skills,
   resistant E. coli (Ventola, 2015,april)  knowledge and well manpower
   ”  . Also according to Research                           on new antibiotics manufacturing
   Paper “Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria,  and pursuing steps to manage the
   Tuberculosis, once fatal, has made                        global health crisis by any certified,
   a major comeback across the globe,  well-trained physicians, pharmacist
   and has mutated into a resistant                          or pharmaceutical companies or
   strain known as MDR TB (Multi                             by us are greatly needed. Unless a
   drug Resistant TB), resulting                             steps towards for defending against
   in 150,000 annual deaths. The                             resistant bacteria strived, then of
   development of MDR TB has been                            course our life and health will surely
   linked to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.                          swing on bacteria’s hand, their
   (Research Papers on Antibiotic                            intention, our health conditions may
   Resistant Bacteria).                                      be in risk. So we need to rise along
                                                             with a slogan, “STOP MISUSE OF
   Antibiotics resistance by pathogens  ANTIBIOTICS, UNLESS THEN
   may developed due to overuses                             GLOBAL CRISIS” for to aware entire
   of antibiotics, inappropriate                             world. If not we stopped and still
   prescription and dispensing of                            continue of misusing antibiotics on
   antibiotics caused by any well                            larger dosages for treatment of minor
   trained/certified physicians to minor  bacterial infections, then , I still
   bacterial infections. Also, globally                      wonder,” Do we are eating antibiotics
   the manufactured new antibiotics                          for bacteria or bacteria are eating
   are very few in number and there’s                        antibiotics for us?”
   availability of New Antibiotics
   having new mechanism of action to
   act upon pathogens are declining
   at the same time increasing in no
   of resistant and mutant bacteria
   also making us in very difficult
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