Page 18 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 18

Personalized Medicine

   Trishna Gurung

   Batch 2016

    Personalized Medicine is the tailoring
    of medical treatment to the individual
    characteristics of each patient.
    The approach relies on scientific
    breakthroughs in our understanding of
    how a person’s unique molecular and
    genetic profile makes them susceptible
    to certain diseases.                                     Scope and Advancement
           Personalized medicine holds                       Prescription benefit management
    promise for improving health care en- (PBM) have already been implemented
    abling each patient to receive earlier                   by companies to offer genetic testing
    diagnosis, risk assessments and op-                      as part of prescription filling process.
    timal treatments while also lowering                     Pharmacogenomics testing is being
    costs.                                                   used commercially foe some common-
    Pharmacogenomics forms the basis of  ly prescribed drugs such as warfarin to
    personalized medicine. It is the science  manage blood coagulation and tamox-
    that studies how genetic variations                      ifen for cancer. Pharmacogenomics is
    affect drug development. This seeks to  still in its early stage so is the personal-
    identify the variant genes affecting the  ized medicine. Its adoption into clini-
    response to drugs in individual pa-                      cal practice is comparatively slow.
    tients and in so doing can identify dis- This field offers new opportunities for
    ease susceptibility genes representing  pharmacy graduates and other profes-
    potential new drug targets.                              sionals. It also promises the revolution-
    Impacts                                                  ary changes in health care systems.
    -Shifting emphasis in medicine from
    reaction to prevention.
    -Enabling the selection of optimal
    therapy and reducing trial and error
    -Making use of drugs safer by avoiding
    adverse drug reactions.

    -Increasing patient compliance with
    -Reducing the time and cost of clinical
    -Reviving drugs that failed early in
    clinical trials or on the market, based
    on genomic advances.
    -Drug work well for a selective group
    within the general population.
    -Reducing the overall cost of health
    care.                                                                                                       8
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