Page 19 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 19

Diabetes: The Role of

    Pharmacist in Overcoming

    this Issue

    Arpana Khanal

    Batch 2018

    The word ‘Diabetes’ is being familiar

    to us. Nowadays all age group,
    throughout the globe are suffering

    from this disease.

     What is diabetes?
     Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic                       parents have type 1 diabetes, the

    disease characterized by elevated                       risk is even higher); genetic (Having

    levels of blood glucose (or blood                       specific genes may increase the risk

    sugar), which leads over time to                        of type 1 diabetes) and environment.
    serious damage to the heart, blood                      It usually develops in younger adults

    vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.                     and children.

    Generally there are two types:                           Risk factor for type 2 diabetes are
     Type 1 diabetes & Type 2 diabetes.                     overweight/obesity, family history of

     Type 2 diabetes is the most common,  diabetes, tobacco use, excess alcohol

    usually in adults, which occurs when  intake, prior history of gestational
    the body becomes resistant to insulin  diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance

    or doesn’t make enough insulin.                         and physical inactivity along with the

    Type 1 diabetes, once known                             above mentioned risk factor of type 1
    as juvenile diabetes or insulin-                        diabetes.

    dependent diabetes, is a chronic                         Risk factors for gestational diabetes

    condition in which the pancreas                         are much the same as other kinds of

    produces little or no insulin by itself.  diabetes such as hereditary, unhealthy
    Gestational diabetes is the type                        diet, obesity, etc.

    of diabetes that is first recognized                    According to the WHO, there is no

    during pregnancy. Gestational                           exact data of patients with diabetes
    diabetes resolves after the birth of the  in my country Nepal. But, the 2016

    baby.                                                   Diabetes Profile has shown that 9.1

    Risk factor for type 1 diabetes, while  percent Nepali population are living

    not known, may be diverse such as                       with diabetes. It includes 10.5 percent
    autoimmune; hereditary (If both                         men and 7.9 percent women.                         9
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