Page 21 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 21

Primary care pharmacists play
      a significant part in managing

      medicines. They have a strategic                       However, the rate is increasing day-

      role to focus on maximizing benefit  by-day. In such case, Primary care
      and minimizing risk associated with  pharmacists can reduce the rate by

      medicines as well as making the                        knowing the core reason of these

      best use of resources allocated for                    increment, by providing counseling
      medicines. They provide information, on diabetes and emphasizing the fact

      education, and counseling to patients  ‘little knowledge is dangerous’ among

      about medication-related care.                         the diabetic patient.

       Likewise, ensuring the effectiveness

      of therapeutic action of drugs is

      the main goal of these pharmacists

      weather the disease is communicable
      or non-communicable or chronic like

      ‘Diabetes’. In context of South Asian

      country like Nepal, Primary Care-
      Pharmacists plays an important role.

      Due to centralized development of
      infrastructures, rural areas or can say

      village areas are lagging behind on

      having quality health check-up from
      specialist. In such case, pharmacists

      are utilizing their education and

      resources available and providing
      proper information about the

      consequences when diabetes is taken

      lightly and also help in eradicating

      the number of diabetic patients.

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