Page 26 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 26
What are its symptoms? with an acid blocking drug (used for
Though the symptoms of gastritis heartburn).
vary among the individuals, the most Though gastritis can be treated
common symptoms of gastritis are once we suffer from it, it is always
abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, better to opt for preventive measures
nausea and vomiting, hiccups, rather than suffering first and getting
recurrent upset stomach, loss of treatment later. Following measures
appetite, burning or gnawing feeling in can be adopted for the prevention of
the stomach between meals or at night, gastritis:
and foul-smelling bowel movements. • Limiting exposure to NSAIDs
• Reducing the consumption of
tobacco, alcohol and caffeine
How is it diagnosed? • Developing good eating habits
For the diagnosis of gastritis, the (smaller meals, eating more slowly)
doctor will first review the personal • Regular exercise
and family medical history, perform • Maintenance of a healthy weight
a thorough physical examination and • Reducing stress (e.g., through
may recommend upper endoscopy, meditation, yoga, or massage)
blood test or fecal occult blood test
(stool test). If it can be diagnosed Gastritis in Nepal
through physical examinations, the lab Gastritis is a common problem of
tests are not mandatory.
Nepali people. Various reasons are
responsible behind this but the main
How can it be treated and prevented? reasons are our lifestyle and food
Gastritis can be treated by: habits. Most of the Nepalese have the
• Taking antacids and other drugs habit of drinking milk tea early in the
(such as proton pump inhibitors morning before eating anything. But
(e.g., pantoprazole, omeprazole, when milk and tea go together, milk
lansoprazole) or H-2 blockers (e.g., increases the acidic content of tea and
rantidine) to reduce stomach acid. drinking it disrupts the metabolic
• If the gastritis is caused by activity, dehydrates the body and
pernicious anemia, Vitamin B12 shots could lead to bloating. Thus, habit of
are given. drinking milk tea early in the morning
• For gastritis caused by H. pylori in the long term can gradually lead to
infection, the doctor will prescribe a gastritis.
regimen of several antibiotics along