Page 13 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 13
BATCH 2016
Broadly speaking, antibiotics are a
group of chemicals or substances
produced by various species of
microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and
actinomycetes) that suppress the growth
of other microorganisms or destroy
the microorganism ,used mostly at low
concentration in treatment of various
bacterial infections diseases. Classes of
antibiotics are available ranging from
narrow spectrum to broad spectrum
antibiotics that covers a few amount of
pathogens; bacteria to wide variety of
bacteria, for suppressing bacterial growth
(bacteriostatic) or for killing bacteria
(bactericidal). Generally, because of wide
coverage and prevention on infections
caused by gram –ve & gram +ve bacteria,
a broad spectrum antibiotics, that are
both bacteriostatic and bactericidal like
penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, This type of resistance offered by bacteria
ciprofloxacin, and levofloxacin etc. are towards antibiotics for treatment of any
frequently used from years ago to till now. ailments nowadays called antibiotics
But because of frequently misuse or resistance by bacteria. As we know,
overuse of antibiotics for treatment of “Darwin’s theory of evolution or
minor ailments from years to till now, Darwinism -Competition and struggle for
nowadays bacteria are struggling and existence (Darwinism or Theory of natural
modifying on their cellular structures or selection, pp. 35-40)”- somehow related
cells bio-chemistry for to defend, adapt & as ,for bacteria to survive and exist on
become more resistant to such antibiotics nature from adverse effects of antibiotics
for their survive-ness and existence, as a , they need to modify their biochemical
result bacteria becoming more resistible structures for Better adaptation and hence
to same type of frequently used earlier they have been resistant
antibiotics and it’s difficult to treat minor to different types of antibiotics nowadays
diseases nowadays that was cured earlier by in world, which are the major problems
same antibiotics at same dose strength. for any health and medicine professionals
to cure from normal diseases using same
strength of same type of antibiotics.