Page 24 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
P. 24

Team News!                                                                                                             Cancer Research UK Race

                                                                                                                               for Life...
                                                                                                                               Back in May, Assistant Accounts Manager

        Birdshot Shooting Day 2023...                                                                                          Sarah Beeton took part in a 5K Race for
                                                                                                                               Life  in  Brentwood  for  Cancer Research
        Held on the 10th of May, and sponsored                                                                                 UK  along  with  her  brother  Rich.  Sarah
        by  John  F  Hunt,    The  Birdshot  Uveitis                                                                           bravely raced for everyone and anyone
        Society  celebrated  another  successful                                                                               who’s lost, suffered or battled cancer and
        shooting  event  at  the  Royal  Berkshire                                                                             in total raised over £350! Donate here
        Shooting  School,  raising  a  whopping
        £62,000 for continued research into the                                                                                Congratulations to Sarah also for gaining
        rare eye disease! Read more                                                                                            her AAT full membership (MAAT)!

                                                               Marathon for Meningitis...                                                                                             James McElhinney Memorial

                                                               Justin Collier, John F Hunt Regeneration                                                                               Football Tournament...
                                                               Compliance  Manager,  achieved  an
                                                               impressive  feat  in  April  by  successfully                                                                          In  June,  John F Hunt Power  sponsored
                                                               completing  the  London Marathon.                                                                                      the James McElhinney Memorial football
                                                               Justins  aim  was  to  raise  funds  for  the                                                                          tournament  as  part  of  our  ongoing
                                                               incredible  charity  Meningitis  Now,  and                                                                             support  of  the  men’s  mental  health
                                                               his efforts were met with a fabulous result,                                                                           charity Kickin’ On in Paisley, Scotland.
                                                               collecting a total of £3072! Donate here
                                                                                                                                                                                      As  well  as  being  the  main  sponsor  for
                                                                                                                                                                                      the event, Power entered a team into
                                                                                                                                                                                      the tournament made up of colleagues
                                                                                                                                                                                      from across their depots, who travelled
        Defibrillator for St Agnes...                                                                                                                                                 up to play in the tournament!
        Ian Skilling, John F Hunt Industrial division
        Operations  Manager,  completed  the
        Exeter Marathon  on  May  14th  in  just  4                                                                            Skydiving for Biscuit...
        hours and 26 minutes!
                                                                                                                               In June, John F Hunt Regeneration Geo-

        Not only did he finish strong, but he also                                                                             environmental  Engineer Deji Kolawole
        raised  an  impressive  total  of  £3,693  to                                                                          bravely  took  on  a  10,000ft  skydive  to
        purchase defibrillators for the Parish of St                                                                           help raise funds for life-changing therapy
        Agnes in Cornwall. More info                                                                                           for his daughter Anayah-Israel...or Biscuit
                                                                                                                               as she likes to be known!

                                                                                                                               If  you  would  like  to  learn  more  about
                                                               Snowdon Hike for Khalsa Aid                                     Biscuit’s  story,  please  click  here  to  visit
                                                                                                                               the JustGiving page where you can also
                                                                                                                               make a  donation.
                                                               Davinder Reehal commenced the hike
                                                               along  Llanberis  path  with  his  son  and
                                                               fellow fundraisers in July. He successfully                              2023 has seen a lot of new additions to the John F Hunt Group family!
                                                               trekked  to  the  Snowdon  summit  in
                                                               support  of  Khalsa Aid  International,  a                          Alex Thompson and Matt welcomed baby Roman, Daniel and Emily Sweeney
                                                               UK-based  humanitarian  relief  charity.                            - baby Harrison, Joshua and Jolanda Ndimbo - Baby Esther and Rob and Katie
                                                               In  total,  Davinder  raised  an  incredible                                            Filer - Baby Sienna - congratulations to you all!
                                                               £3,455! Donate here

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