Page 20 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
P. 20

BD Nuclear                                                                                                             Fort Gilkicker Redevelopment!

                                                                                                                               Dave  Dougan  and  John Hall  stand  with
        The BD Nuclear team have been as busy as ever! Check out just some of our top jobs                                     owners  Wayne  and  Lee  Johnson  in  the
        since the last newsletter...                                                                                           grand  entrance  to  Fort  Gilkicker,  which
                                                                                                                               stands  majestically  on  the  southernmost
                                                               West Sussex Fire Station and                                    tip of Gosport in Stokes Bay, Hampshire.

                                                               Training Centre...                                              The  semi-circular  fort,  with  its  22-gun
                                                               On this job, we were approached by a                            emplacements  fortified  with  massive
                                                               company to assist with installing fireproof                     earthwork  embankments,  was  originally
                                                               tiles for the new state-of-the-art training                     built in the 1850s to protect British shores
                                                               facility at Horsham Fire Station.                               from invasion by the French Navy. Today,
                                                                                                                               after carrying out its defence duties over
                                                               This  fantastic  new  facility  provides  a                     the  years,  this  grand  structure  recieves
                                                               highly modern training centre, working                          a     well-deserved         and      sympathetic
                                                               environment  for  staff  members,  and  a                       makeover...
                                                               24-hour operational fire station.

                                                                                                                               Our  BD  Nuclear  team  undertook  an
                                                                                                                               exceptionally technically challenging Cut

        Diamond Wire Sawing for                                                                                                and Carve project that included working
                                                                                                                               on the roof to remove the concrete layer
        Northwest Galvanizing...                                                                                               that was added later in Gilkicker’s lifetime,
        With this job, the metal finishing company                                                                             to expose the granite underneath.
        Northwest Galvanizing had an issue with
        one  of  their  galvanising baths that had
        started to leak,  leaving  an  abnormally                                                                                                                                     8,400 tonne of concrete was removed
        high amount of material to solidify at the                                                                                                                                    from  the  roof  using  a  combination  of
        bottom. When the old bath was removed                                                                                                                                         drilling,  bursting, and the Brokk 400.
        and  replaced,  110 tonnes  of  material                                                                                                                                      The     methodology          used      included
        was left!                                                                                                                                                                     the  installation  of  vibration  and  tilt
                                                                                                                                                                                      monitoring on a live feed to ensure the
        BD  Nuclear’s      team    were  tasked  with                                                                                                                                 fort’s structural stability stays intact.
        cutting  46  sections  of 1.2m  x 1.2m x
        0.350mm, each weighing approximately                                                                                                                                          Operations  Director,  Jack Dougan,
        2 tonnes. They used the portal diamond                                                                                                                                        proposed the technical procedure and
        wire saw for this process, which saw cuts                                                                                                                                     had it accepted by Heritage England!
        vertically and horizontally.

                                                               The material in the bath was steel-zinc-
                                                               lead, which proved to be very difficult                                                      More projects for                                        Removing a
                                                               to cut due to the softness of the lead.                                                         BD Nuclear...                                        2.5 x 3m x 2m
                                                                                                                                                            Floor sawing cuts                                       deep section
                                                               This  was  overcome  by  using  past                                                          carried out by                                         of reinforced
                                                               experiences  in  nuclear  power  stations                                                    one of our skilled                                    concrete at the
                                                               cutting  lead.  The  job  was  a  great                                                        operatives in                                       end of a jetty in
                                                               success, resulting in a very happy client!                                                   sunny Eastleigh!                                           Dorset!

           There is alot going on behind the scenes at BD Nuclear and we have BIG news
                    coming soon! You can stay updated by following us on LinkedIn

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