Page 18 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
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John F Hunt Hire Centres John F Hunt Plant Hire
New Business... New Plant Alert!...
Hire Centres landscaping clients Investment in new plant over the last few
continue to increase, with strong months includes:
demand for excavators and material
handling equipment. We have 10 x Komatsu PC138-11 Excavators
purchased yet more 6m telehandlers 6 x Komatsu PC210-11 Excavators
from Manitou to keep up with our
customers’ requirements! Supplied to 3 x Bell 30E Articulated Dump Trucks Equipment Monitoring...
sites in and around the London area, 2 x Komatsu DX71PXi-24 Dozers (with Plant Hire has been testing a telematics
these are generally hired on a long- intelligent machine control) platform for their off-road plant. This
term contract basis. All are EU Stage V Compliant, meeting enables a single platform view of data
6m Manitou Telehandlers the strictest emission standards and from all machine manufacturers. The
fitted with the latest telematics, allowing information provided includes emissions,
Electric Plant... detailed monitoring and analysis of the fuel usage, idling time, operating hours,
utilisation, and location.
In addition to our range of JCB electric machines!
diggers and dumpsters, Hire Centres
electric machines increased with the Hayley Barrow is the new Group Fleet Manager! Joining from a large site
purchase of Bobcat E10e mini excavators. welfare and accommodation provider, Hayley will be responsible for
Weighting 1200kg and narrow enough everything vehicle related and is based at Hill Farm. Our new Jaama fleet
to go through a standard doorway, software platform will assist in efficiently procuring,
they’re ideal for basement work and managing, and disposing of all vehicles.
small landscaping jobs whilst also being
Bobcat E10e Mini Exavator emission-free at the point of use.
Thameside Lifting
All workshop apprentices have started and are progressing well with their
courses due to commence at the National Construction College in February. New Equipment...
After adding Low-Level Access machines
Any knowledge gained working alongside our experienced engineers in the to its fleet earlier this year, Thameside
lead-up to their 2-year CITB Plant Maintenance courses will be invaluable! Lifting has expanded its range to include
The Eco Lift. Giving a working height of
4.2m with no power source or batteries
Thameside Supplies required, Eco Lifts are an ideal alternative
to access towers and podium steps.
Onwards and Upwards!... Other new Thameside Lifting were asked to design,
The growth of Thameside Supplies products for hire manufacture, and install a bespoke
continues with more sales office space include: runway lifting beam to enable their
and a new embroidery room scheduled Handylift Texas client’s machinery and equipment to
to be built only 18 months after relocating Hydraulic be lowered to different floor levels.
to larger premises! Manhole Lifters,
additional Board Given only a small time frame to come
Work will commence soon, allowing Trolleys, and up with a solution...they did it, and
for the installation of a multi-head Electric Pallet three of our brilliant engineers installed
embroidery machine to keep up with Trucks! the 9.8m beam with an electric hoist in
demand. record time! Well done gang!
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