Page 13 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
P. 13

John F Hunt Regeneration
 Thames Tideway Tunnel...
 Our  Concrete  Cutting  team  has  been
 working on the iconic Thames Tideway   Remediation | Industrial
 Tunnel infrastructure project  for  some
 years.  With  parts  of  that  nearing
 completion,  the  main  contractors   Despite widespread gloom hanging over the wider construction market, 2023 has
 working  there  are  demobilising  and   been very busy for the Regeneration Team!
 removing  structures  that  were  built  to
 accommodate  the  initial  construction   Large projects at Phoenix 10/SPARK Walsall, Shotton Mill, Holborn, Ironbridge and
 works.   New Stanton Park all ran concurrently. We also completed projects at Folkestone
        and Bethnal Green Gas Works in the past few months. We have new projects starting
 As  part  of  that  demobilisation,  John  F   at Salmesbury, Bristol and Barrow in Furness.
 Hunt  has  successfully  completed  the
 removal  of  a  large  acoustic  shed  for   For the past three years, we have been working on the complex earthworks project
 BAM Nuttall Ltd, Morgan Sindall Plc and   at Rugeley Power Station; operational works have now been completed and the
 Balfour Beatty (BMB) JV.   technical team are now completing validation works to enable the sites’ sale.

 All  services  and  craneage  were                            1.    Holborn (Resi)
 removed, leaving a shell of steel frame   Our Scottish and Northern Division
 and  cladding  for  removal.  We  used  a   have secured two additional   2.   Shotton Mill Earthworks (Industrial)
 combination  of  Komatsu  PC490’s  and   contracts with McAleer & Rushe at   3.   Shotton Mill Demolition (Industrial)
 PC210’s with MP30 shears and rotating   Leeds College of Technology and
 selectors  to  handle  the  materials  and   also at the new 17-storey Maaldron   4.   New Stanton Park (Commercial)
 take down the cladding, rails and steel   Hotel in Manchester!  5.   Rugeley Power Station (Resi/Mixed)
 frame.                                                        6.    SPARK Walsall (Commercial)

                                                               7.    Coalville (Resi)

 Competition Winners Visit!...                                 8.    Ironbridge (Resi)
 Back in April, we welcomed our school                         9.    Longwell Green (Commercial)
 competition  winners,  Sophie,  Chima,
 and their parents, to visit the Concrete                      10.  Slough (Resi)
 Cutting  team  and  see  the  machines                        11.  LPT (Infrastructure)
 they  named  ‘George  Power  Bot’  and
 ‘The Scorpix’ brought to life!                                12.  The Heights (Resi)
                                                               13.  Ferry Lane (Commercial)
 The  day  began  with  a  tour  of  the
 facilities  and  a  look  at  some  of  the                   14.  Hackney Wick (Resi)
 smaller  concrete  cutting  tools,  with                      15.  Folkestone (Resi)
 plenty of time for questions and answers                      16.  Goschen (Defence)
 from Patricia McEnroe, Jake Pooley and
 Aaron Willmott-Rice.                                          17.  Samlesbury (Commercial)
                                                               18.  Barking PS (Local Authority)
 They also got an epic demonstration of
 the mighty ‘George Power Bot’ and ‘The                        19.  Bethnal Green GW (Resi)
 Scorpix’ by Aaron, who showed Sophie
 and  Chima  the  controls  and  different
 attachments whilst answering questions   After a quiet Spring, the number of budgets and tenders completed in the past
 on the construction industry as a career   two months has been very healthy. Some of the tenders we have completed
 option  for  our  inspired  future  concrete   are of significant value!
 cutters! Read more

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