Page 14 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
P. 14

Ironbridge, Harworth                                            Bubble Curtain Award Win!...

                                                               Group...                                                        We are using a bubble curtain at our site
                                                               Work  started  at  the  former Ironbridge                       in Holborn to protect migrating salmon in
                                                               Power Station in January and is due to                          the River Tyne. Regeneration was the first
                                                               be completed in the next few weeks.                             company to use this innovative product
                                                                                                                               to control noise from piling operations.

                                                               The  team    have    been    preparing  a
                                                               development  platform  on  the  site                            Our     partners,      Frog     Environmental,
                                             January 2023
                                                               where  the  cooling  towers  once  stood,                       designed  and  installed  the  bubble
                                                               including  the  breaking  out  of  large                        curtain for us. Consequently, they won
                                                               relic  structures  and  remediation  of                         the Innovative Technology in the Marine
                                                               contaminated ground.                                            Environment  Award  at  the  European
                                                                                                                               Commercial  Marine  Awards  2023!  Find
                                                               Once    complete,  this    scheme    will                       out more here
                                                               provide 1,000 new homes. The project is
                                                               the first for Harworth Group and has been
                                                               an exemple of technical excellence, so                                                                         Water Technology
                                                               we are hopeful of more work with them
                                                               in the future.                                                  Our Water Technology business continues to grow, with Bachy Soletanche and The

                                                                                                                               Coal Authority both increasing their spending!
        Shotton Mill...
        Demolition of the first phase is complete                                                                              It’s been an incredibly busy period for all parts of the Water Technology business. In
                                                                                                                               June, we started commissioning work on a new site for The Coal Authority; Gwyndra
        and the earthwork package continues.                                                                                   is about 10 miles from our existing site at Wheal Jane and is the first of a new form of
        We  are  expecting  to  start  the  next                                                                               treatment process that may be rolled out across the UK to treat mine water pollution
        phase  of  work  soon,  working  for  Enka.                                                                            on dozens of rivers.
        This  is  a  large  and  complex  scheme
        and we have garnered a really positive
        relationship with Enka; one of the world’s
        largest  construction  and  engineering                                                                                 Pumping Technologies...                                  Pumping  Technologies  has  highly
        services  businesses,  operating  in  30                                                                               Pumping  Technologies  is  going  from                    skilled installation engineers, which
        countries.                                                                                                             strength to strength – their work on HS2                  presents an opportunity internally.
                                                                                                                               via Bachy  Soletanche  continues  to
                                                                                                                               increase,  with  more  equipment  being                   One engineer in particular, Richard
                                                               SPARK Walsall...                                                installed  and  hired  every  month.  As  a               Burns, has been working for various
                                                               This  large  and  complex  remediation                          result,  we  have  made  several  hires  to               projects  across  the  business.  His
                                                               and  ground  engineering  project  has                          support the businesses’ growth.                           skills  include:  certified  electrical
                                                               made  great  progress.  Alex Clifford                                                                                     installation,  electrical  repairs  and
                                                               joined the business in April and oversees                       In  June,  Bachy  Soletanche  visited                     PAT testing.
                                                               this  scheme  alongside  the  existing                          our  headquarters  to  get  a  better
                                                               team. Works have progressed from the                            understanding of the Group, with a view                   If you have any need for this service,
                                                               copper works phase into the Alumwell                            to growing closer ties between the two                    give Wayne Sides a call or an email
                                                               landfill. Here is a video of Alex discussing                    businesses.                                               – he and Richard would be happy
                                                               the progress made - click here!                                                                                           to provide a competitive price.
                                                                                                                               A deal to distribute Dragflow pumps and
                                                                                                                               dredging  systems  has  been  agreed;
               New Projects! We have won two dismantling and demolition projects on                                            Dragflow,  an  Italian  company,  are
           military/aviation sites for well-known blue-chip companies. We are required not                                     leaders  in  this  sector  and  have  some
           to name them, but we are extremely pleased to have won these works. Other                                           class-leading  technology  that  should
            new projects include: Barking Power Station, Hackney Wick and Salmesbury!                                          prove popular in the UK!

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