Page 5 - John F Hunt Group Newsletter - SEP 2023
P. 5

1 Liverpool Street...   Organ Reuse at London City Temple - London to Chicago!
 Works continue to progress at 1 Liverpool   John F Hunt do get involved in some unusual things!! Recently, we played a key role
 Street.  Cementation Skanska  and   in disassembling and transporting a 15-metre high, 18-metre wide organ, from our
 William Hare are currently delivering the   London City Temple site to St. James Cathedral, the largest cathedral in Chicago,
 piling and steelwork installation for phase   for the purpose of restoration.
 1  works  in  line  with  their  programme.
 The  erection  of  Tower  Crane  01  was   The team at London City Temple thoroughly reviewed the methodology proposed
 an important milestone for the project,   by  the restoration team  from John-Paul Buzards,  ensuring its  compliance  with  all
 which  was  carried  out  successfully  in   relevant UK legislation regarding removing this unique piece of musical heritage...
 August by Select and Ainscough.

        The 1957 J.W. Walker & Sons 40-tonne organ was loaded onto a total of 8 wagons
 Our    Limited    team  is  on  target  to   and sent to the yard in Grays, where it was packed in four 40ft shipping containers.
 complete  the  piling  and  structural   From our Head Office, the containers went to the port where they were safely loaded
 steelwork  in  late  November  when   onto a ship which then set sail to the States!
 the  basement  excavation  bulk  dig
 will  commence.  This  will  then  allow
 the   basement   permanent   works
 construction to start with an anticipated
 contract completion in September 2024.

 We are sharing fantastic updates from 1
 Liverpool Street on the John F Hunt Group
 LinkedIn page!  Click here to watch the
 latest video with Davinder.

 Euston Station...
 Over the weekend of 26th – 28th August,
 John F Hunt carried out partial balcony
 removal at Euston Station (Parcel Deck)
 during weekend 22 of possession.

 The section of the balcony was situated
 directly  above  Platform  15.  Due  to
 various  site  constraints,  such  as  limited
 working  space  and  existing  Network
 Rail  assets,  the  cut and lift  method
 was  selected  to  undertake  the  works,
 utilising  concrete  cutting  and  a  pick
 and carry crane. Following the balcony
 removal, we were tasked to install the
 temporary bridge,  which  consisted  of
 RMD propping and GRP decking.

 As  a  result  of  meticulous  planning
 followed by careful execution, both the
 balcony removal and temporary bridge
 installation were completed safely and   Want to see a demonstration of the organ in action? St. James
 on time. The main demolition works will   Cathedral has kindly provided a video of the organ testing conducted
 re-commence on 18th September 2023.    in February 2023 - watch here!

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