Page 23 - PC/LAPTOP_UKBM_English_XII_Bu Widi Astuti
P. 23
Humans became an It is a huge waste of time
endangered species with and money, especially
the invention of the since we have other things
nuclear bomb. to spend money on, like
Unfortunately, there is no inventing new ways of
real way of assuring that wasting our time.
countries harboring Personally, I don't believe
weapons of mass that we should bother
destruction turn them saving those damn
over. The odds are in animals that cannot even
favor of nuclear survive on their own. If it
"accidents" and other was up to me I would kill
terrorist attacks. These all animals so that we can
actions could trigger a rule this Earth alone.
nuclear holocaust. Are we
an endangered species? Waste of time
You bet your life we are. It Survival of the fittest! If a
is in our best interest to creature cannot survive in
protect what remains of a human ruled Earth, it is
our current environment, not fit to live and must
and this includes other adapt to us, not us adapt
endangered species. to them. If a creature is
beneficial to our society it
Of course we should! should be protected, but
Just put yourself in their animals that do not
shoes, how would YOU contribute are not worth
feel if the animals ruled the time and money.
and we were the ones
going endangered or