Page 25 - PC/LAPTOP_UKBM_English_XII_Bu Widi Astuti
P. 25
They don't kill for more Hence, trying to save
than what they need, they species that can not
don't destroy the planet, survive in its environment
they don't lie. They only is rather silly, because it is
know instincts, emotions, all part of evolution.
and survival. They don't
start wars. They eat, they No.. Absolutely not
love, they play. Everything will eventually
starve to death if we allow
Yes we should help everything to live...
extinct animals Then w'ere REALLY
I think we should help monsters as
endangered animals humans...
before the get extinct. Look at Yellowstone...
What if all our favorite There are many examples
animals become extinct? of the negative
What if it turns out we are consequences of over
the only animals on earth? protection - we almost
Do you know why humans made certain trees extinct
will probably never get when we protected them
extinct? Because we have from fire...
other animals to eat that Many examples....
are not endangered or Its a bad idea...
extinct. If we didn't have Just let nature do its
those other animal to eat, thing.
we would be extinct by
now. No Use to us
We are wasting billions of
dollars to protect animals
that are no use to us.