Page 24 - PC/LAPTOP_UKBM_English_XII_Bu Widi Astuti
P. 24
(Of course impossible but Let nature take
think about it) we were its course
put on this Earth to take If we continue to save
care of it, not destroy it! endangered animals, then
We are God's creatures we stop any possibility of
and so are the animals! any other animal to take
Yes we all know we cannot its place. If the dinosaurs
save them all, but we can were still around, would
at least try. Whether it be we be on this site, no.
the most resourceful, cute Extinction is part of the
and cuddly, which ever. natural order of things,
We need to think of this and we must not interfere
Earth as a whole and STOP with that order.
being so damn selfish!
It's unrealistic
Save the animals Although, we would all like
I want my children to be to protect the endangered
able to experience the species from becoming
same great wildlife that I extinct, it is only a natural
have. I explore and process of evolution. Like
travelthe world and Charles Darwin's principle
nothing is better to me "survival of the fittest",
than observing all the the "fittest" does not
mystical wonders that depend on whether the
God has put on this great specie is strong, big, or
earth. The great thing cunning than those who
about animals is, they are small and weak, but
adapt and thrive to "the fittest" means
survive. thosewho are capable of
passing on their genes to
offsprings and so forth.