Page 129 - Organizational Project Management
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Appendix F—Best Practices Directory

                  BP ID  Title      Description
                                                                    Project   Program   Portfolio   Standardize   Measure   Control   Improve

                  5260 Customize Project   The organization customizes a generally
                       Management   accepted project management methodology to   X  X
                       Methodology   meet organizational requirements.
                  5270 Integrate Project   The organization integrates the project
                       Management   management methodology with strategic,
                       Methodology with   operational, and tactical processes.         X   X
                  5280 Establish Common  The organization uses a project management
                       Project      framework for all phases of a project.
                                                                          X  X
                  5290 Establish Project   The organization follows their project
                       Management   management policies.                  X  X
                  5300 Establish Training   The organization establishes a training and
                       and Development   development program to improve the skills of   X  X
                       Program      project personnel.
                  5310 Align Projects With  The organization aligns projects with the
                       Business Strategy   organizational strategies and priorities.  X  X
                       and Priorities
                  5320 Certify Quality   Independent bodies certify the quality
                       Management   management system.                    X  X
                  5330  Make Decisions   The organization practices effective decision-
                                    making that enable it to decide how much
                                    project work it can undertake, the profit level   X  X
                                    required to return, and the timeframe in which
                                    returns are required.
                  5340 Establish Executive  The executives strongly support the project   X  X
                       Support      management process.
                  5350 Define and   The organization clearly defines structures that
                       Improve Project   the individual programs and projects should
                       Organizational   adopt.                            X  X
                  5360 Establish Project   A Board of Directors is established and is
                       Management   involved in setting project management policies   X  X
                       Board of Directors  with specified goals.
                  5370 Use Knowledge   The organization has a multi-level reporting
                       Management and   structure that ensures information flows to all   X  X
                       Learning     management levels.
                  5380  Establish and Use   The organization develops a fundamental set of
                       Fundamental   values for project management. These values
                       Project      guide the organization in all aspects of project   X  X
                       Management   management.
                  5390 Integrate Project   The organization integrates project management
                       Management   across all operations.                X  X
                       Across All
                  5400 Implementation of  The organization implements its strategy through
                       Organization's   the delivery of projects.         X  X
                       "Business" strategy
                       through projects
                  5410 Incorporate the   The organization evaluates all project
                       Best of Internal   management methods, ideas, and processes for
                       and External   use.
                       Project                                            X  X
                  5420 Use Organizational  The organization has a project support team for
                       Project Support   project management.              X  X
                  5430 Open         Open communication exists between all project   X  X
                       Communication   team members and stakeholders.

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