Page 133 - Organizational Project Management
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Appendix F—Best Practices Directory

                  BP ID  Title      Description
                                                                    Project   Program   Portfolio   Standardize   Measure   Control   Improve

                  6040 Portfolio Quality   Portfolio Quality Control Process measures are
                       Control Process   established, assembled and analyzed.  X  X
                  6050 Portfolio Risk   Portfolio Risk Monitoring and Control Process
                       Monitoring and   measures are established, assembled and   X  X
                       Control Process   analyzed.
                  6060 Portfolio Contract   Portfolio Contract Closeout Process measures
                       Closeout Process   are established, assembled and analyzed.          X      X
                  6070 Portfolio    Portfolio Administrative Closure Process
                       Administrative   measures are established, assembled and
                                                                          X     X
                       Closure Process   analyzed.
                  6080 Comply With   The organization gathers metrics to assure
                       Standard Project   compliance with the standard project processes.  X  X
                  6090 Track        The organization determines its organizational
                       Organizational   effectiveness through metrics including project   X  X
                       Effectiveness   delivery metrics.
                  6100 Provide Real-Time  The organization provides a system that reports
                       Project      historic, real-time indicators of how projects,
                       Performance   programs and portfolios are performing. Data is   X  X
                       Reports      compared relative to plans, current baselines,
                                    and criteria for success.
                  6110 Establish Project   The organization has a system that provides
                       Management   information for decisions about projects.   X  X
                  6120 Assess       The organization uses a formal assessment
                       Competency of Key  process to measure the competency levels of   X  X
                       Project Resources  project personnel.
                  6130 Collect Project,   'The organization uses and maintains a formal
                       Program, Portfolio  performance system which is used to evaluate   X  X
                       Success Metrics   individuals and project teams.
                  6140 Provide Central   The organization has a central project metrics   X  X
                       Metrics Repository  repository for all project use.
                  6150 Measure Strategic  The organization evaluates resources applied to
                       Alignment    projects that support corporate strategy with the   X  X
                                    importance of the strategy to the organization.
                  6160 Select Projects   The organization identifies and selects projects
                       Based on     that have value to the organization.
                                                                          X     X
                  6170 Select Projects   The organization considers the investments of
                       Considering   human and financial resources when selecting
                       Human and    projects.                             X     X
                  6180 Select Projects   The organization identifies and selects projects
                       According to   by evaluating their relationship to business   X  X
                       Strategy     strategy.
                  6190 Use Integrated   The organization has project management tools
                       Project      that are integrated with other corporate systems   X  X
                       Management Tools  to provide a project view of the organization.
                  6200 Portfolio Initiation   Portfolio Initiation  Process controls are
                       Process Control   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                    of the process.
                  6210 Portfolio Plan   Portfolio Plan Development Process controls are
                       Development   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                       Process Control   of the process.
                  6220 Portfolio Scope   Portfolio Scope Planning Process controls are
                       Planning Process   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                       Control      of the process.

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