Page 4 - December Scoop Newsletter 2022
P. 4

D D S   S C O O P   / D E C E M B E R   2 0 2 2

          The IDEC award is presented by the International Driver Examiner Certification (IDEC)

          Board and AAMVA to recognize outstanding examiners.  Each IDEC accredited member
          jurisdiction may nominate only ONE examiner for outstanding performance as a driver's
          license examiner.

          Examiners are selected for their excellence in adhering to the principles and
          recommended practices of driver examining (the Examiner's Code of Ethics) and for their
          high level of conduct in their profession.

          The Examiner's Code of Ethics:
              Due Dilligence

          Each jurisdiction's Examiner of the Year receives a certificate and a congratulatory letter
          from the IDEC Executive Board.

          After all submissions are received, one examiner is selected as the Outstanding Examiner
          of the Year and is presented the award at the Annual International Conference.

          Good luck Billie!
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