Page 7 - December Scoop Newsletter 2022
P. 7

D D S   S C O O P   / D E C E M B E R   2 0 2 2

                  Regulatory Compliance Commercial Driver Town Hall

                                                              Regulatory Compliance hosted a successful
                                                              Commercial Driver Industry Town Hall Meeting in
                                                              Macon recently. The meeting brought together over
                                                              100 transportation business partners and DDS
                                                              Team Members to share information and address
                                                              Georgia’s commercial driver shortages.
                                                              Commissioner Spencer R. Moore said, “DDS is
                                                              spearheading efforts to improve the commercial
                                                              driver training and testing process. Efficient testing
                                                              of commercial drivers enables them to get on the
                                                              road sooner which supports manufacturing and
                                                              other industries that have a direct impact on
                                                              Georgia’s growing economy.”

                                                              The goal of the Town Hall event was to cultivate and
                                                              maintain  open  lines  of  communication  with  the
                                                              commercial  driver  industry  including  training
     Epidemiologist Shenee Bryan presented on the information  program  administrators  and  third-party  testers
     that she discovered while assisting DDS prepare a complete  throughout the state.
     report on Commercial Driving as requested by Governor
     Kemp.  The entire report can be read/downloaded from the  Attendees received information on several strategic
     DDS website at
                                                              initiatives,  new  legislation,  and  received  program
                                                              updates.  There  was  ample  opportunity  to  ask  and
                                                              receive  answers  and  also  offer  suggestions  to
                                                              improve the commercial driver testing and issuance
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