Page 7 - Scoop January 2022
P. 7
Ugly Sweaters, Decor and More!
This year’s contest has to be one of the best ones so far. There were 62 out of 67 CSCs who participated in the
Holiday Decoration Contest, along with Help Desk, Contact Center and Central Issuance.
DDS has the best creative designers/employees anywhere by far. From the Thales camera’s having a Grinch on
top of it making customers laugh when they’re taking their picture, to Aretha Wright dressing in Christmas paper
to create an Ugly “Sweater” to Althea Brown (Norcross CSC Manager), dancing in the dark with her ugly Christmas
sweater lit up to the tune of Mr. Grinch.
Y’all ensured 2021 was going to end on a happy and crazy note. It was truly a challenge determining who won
what, but the judges have decided on the following (notice a few more categories were created this year):
Overall CSC Decor Winner!!!!
Rincon from District 9
Overall Best District “District with the most participation”
District 6-Augusta, Dublin, Evans, Greensboro, Helena, Milledgeville, Sandersville, Thomson
Overall Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner
Althea Brown (Norcross)/District 3
Overall HQ Decor Winner
Central Issuance
Ugliest Sweater Winner
Althea Brown
Norcross/District 3