Page 10 - The Scoop February 2019
P. 10


        Helping Our Veterans

Director of Field Operations Kecia Bivins and Deputy Director Pierre Miles recently
provided community outreach at the Military Family Support Center located near
Dobbins Air Force Base in Marietta, GA

                                                        They manned a booth and provided information
                                                        on the Mobile App (DDS 2 GO), Veteran’s licenses/
                                                        IDs and more.
                                                        The Military Family Support Center, sponsored by
                                                        the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce, opened
                                                        in May 2016, and DDS has attended several events
                                                        Georgia alone has almost 752,000 veterans. DDS’
                                                        objective was to offer direct assistance to any
                                                        veteran or family member attending the event
                                                        with any licensing needs and to promote a positive
                                                        image of DDS.

    Grant Received for Ignition
          Interlock Program

Did You Know that our Regulatory Compliance Division Regulates Interlock Providers?
An ignition interlock device (IID) is a breathalyzer for an individual's vehicle. It requires
the driver to blow into a mouthpiece on the device before starting the vehicle. Anyone
having two or more convictions of driving under the influence (DUI) within any 5-year
period must have a DDS-approved ignition interlock device installed on each vehicle
they intend to operate for a period up to 12 months prior to reinstatement of their
driver’s license. It is estimated that at the end of FY2018, there were 41 Ignition Interlock
Providers and 2,275 ignition interlock devices in active use in Georgia. DDS approves the
providers and ensures that they are abiding by all state rules and remain accessible to
DDS customers.
This program recently received some good news. A mini-grant through the Association
of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators, or “AIIPA”, has been awarded to DDS for
This represents an awesome starting point in getting the DDS’ IID program up to date
and comparable to those in other states. Thanks to Juenesse Holman of Reg Comp for
identifying and applying for this grant opportunity.

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