Page 9 - The Scoop February 2019
P. 9
Mr. Mitchell Visits City Council
Clyde Mitchell started his presentation to the Newnan City Council with an ice breaker.
“When I was introduced by Mayor Keith Brady as being from Georgia Department of
Driver Services, a hush came over the audience, but it gave me a great opening line. Okay
guys, don't worry, I won’t keep you here for 2 or 3 three hours. That was the old DDS,
now I'm here to talk about the New DDS.
Needless to say, everyone had a good laugh. Clyde,
who is the manager at the Newnan CSC, gave
a thorough presentation on the DDS vision, the
last 3 Months Statewide Average Wait Time, DDS
2 GO Mobile App, CPS Card Production System
and DRIVES Driver Record and Integrated Vehicle
Enterprise System (System Modernization). The
City Council meetings are televised on the Newnan
local station and should reach a large portion of
the Newnan population. The presentation was
very well received. Several in attendance had
visited the CSC recently and commented how
impressed that they were with the service that
they had received.
Thanks Clyde and Team Newnan!
Back to School with District 6
On January 23rd, DDS managers from the
Augusta, Evans and Thomson CSCs, along with
District Manager Michelle McLean, went to
the Performance Learning Center in Augusta
to answer questions about teen driving and
identification cards. Performance Learning Center
is a public high school of the Richmond County
School District with about 300 students. The
students were able to drop in during their lunches
to inquire about permits, Secure ID, and road tests.
They were excited about the information and the
DDS "swag" items that they received. Pictured left
to right at the DDS Booth are Diane Hall, Monica
Crawford, Joey Scott, and O'Retha Pollard.