Page 11 - The Scoop February 2019
P. 11
Promotions and Opportunities
Congratulations to these Team Members on their recent promotions!
You could be next! Our agency’s job vacancy announcements can be found by
clicking on the following link, http://ddsintranet/.
Enterprising DDS Youth
Team Member Juenesse Holman is very
proud of her son. She explains below:
“In November, DDS broke ground on a new
Gainesville CSC and CDL testing pad. I
shared with Julian, my 7-year-old son, that
Governor Nathan Deal would be speaking.
He insisted on writing Governor Deal a
letter to let him know how sad he was that
he would be leaving office. He sent his
best picture of himself with his letter. To
our surprise, he received a response from
the Governor. He was so excited and we
were excited for him!”.