Page 16 - The Scoop APRIL 2019
P. 16


      CPS Survey Responses

        Below are the survey questions, and in Red are the correct answers.

1.	 By the end of _________, all CSCs will be fully equipped with the new workstations
and our entire agency will be producing the new credential.	
	 (a)	May	
	 (b)	June 	
	 (c)	July
2.	 The DDS theme for the New Year is:	
	 (a)	#AchievingNewHeightsin2019	
	 (b)	#SoaringToNewHeightsin2019	
	 (c)	#SuccessTogetherIn2019
3.	 The approved card for CPS is:

        (a)				(b)				(c)
4.	 DDS has partnered with _____________________ to provide training for CPS:
	 (a)	 Albany Technical College	
	 (b)	 Piedmont Technical College	
	 (c)	 Columbus Technical College

5.	 True or False: Customers will be required to first verify their mailing and residential
addresses before issuance can begin.
	 (a)	True	
	 (b)	False

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