Page 8 - September Scoop 2022
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Website Content Crashers
Front Row Left to Right: Field
Ops Director Kecia Bivins; Rene
Alonso, Ashley Owens, Orok
Back Row Left to Right:
Jeanette Carroll, Susan Sports,
Pierre Miles, Michael Ishola,
Laurie Owens
(Not Pictured Donna James and
Ashley Powell)
The DDS Website Content Crushers (WCC) was created in September 2021, in an effort to
enhance communication with our customers. The group was comprised of volunteers from
Field Operations, Reg Comp, Business Standards, Communications, IT and Legal. The WCC
requested and received submissions from subject matter experts (District Managers, CSC
Managers, Motorcycle Safety Manager, CDL Manager and others) to make relevant updates to
over thirty (30) webpages that needed clarity. A few of the major updates were on the
following topics:
Veterans/ National Guard/ Allies
64 + Renewals
Entry Level Driver Training
Voter ID
Virtual Road Tests
Due to the hard work of this group,
customers now have current and
accurate information to be better
prepared when they visit a CSC, call the
Contact Center or conduct their
transactions online.