Page 9 - September Scoop 2022
P. 9

D D S   S C O O P   /   S E P T E M B E R   2 0 2 2

                                           Faithful Service
                                           Faithful Service

        20 Years                                      Congratulations to the Team Members who
        Gretchel Smith – IT                           have celebrated a Faithful Service milestone
        Susan Sirju – CSC #94 Locust Grove            recently.  You are to be commended for your

                                                      dedication to public service, the citizens of
        15 Years                                      Georgia and our Agency!
        Theresa Gilbert – CSC #14 Bainbridge

        10 Years
        Adria Dennis – Field Operations District 3 Manager

        5 Years
        Taylor Vazquez-Malone - CSC # 29 Cedartown
        Brittani Tarver - Records Management
        Granville Owens - IT
        Jaimie Krieger - Records Management
        Elijah Jones - Field Operations District 5 Manager
        Holly Hegyesi - Motorcycle Safety
        Zachary Foster - CSC #55 Columbus
        Vonda Butler - CSC #56 Marietta

                                                                                       Gretchel Smith

                         Gail Ingram                                                 Karen Brooks
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