Page 13 - September Scoop 2022
P. 13

D D S   S C O O P   /   S E P T E M B E R   2 0 2 2

            IT to the Rescue!
            IT to the Rescue!

                                                                    Did you know that DDS offers the Knowledge
                                                                    Exam in twelve different languages? The most
                                                                    recent language to be added is Farsi - the
                                                                    Persian language spoken within Iran,
                                                                    Afghanistan and Tajikistan. This population is
                                                                    rapidly growing in Georgia and there was a
                                                                    growing need for its addition.

                                                                    It is quite a process to get the exam translated,
                                                                    but DDS is fortunate to have a native Farsi
                                                                    speaker on its Team - Majid Safai!

                                                                    Majid, a Program Analyst Technician with the
                                                                    IT Help Desk, partnered with Gretchel Smith, a
    Enjoy this short message                                        Data Base Administrator on the Database
                                                                    Support Team to test the translated exam
               from Mr. Majid!                                      provided by the vendor.

                                                                    Majid worked with Gretchel to review all 92
                                                                    questions which had been translated and
                                                                    identified errors and discrepancies. The
                                                                    product was returned to the vendor for
     Selena  Norris,  IT  Customer  Support  Manager,               corrections three times!
                                                                    If not for the knowledge and persistence of
     "The  project  to  translate  our  exams  into  Farsi          this team, our Farsi speaking customers may
     was a team effort across IT. While Majid worked                have had a challenging time obtaining
     on  the  various  versions  of  the  exam,  the  IT            credentials in our State.
     Production  Support  Team  stepped  up  so  he
     could focus on the exams. A special thank you
     to Karen Hill, Anquetta Sherman, Shana Joseph,
     Felicia  Cushion  and  Alicia  Riggins  for  being
     great  team  players  and  stepping  up  to  help
     behind the scenes.

     That’s pretty much how we roll in IT… everyone
     is always willing to do what they can to achieve
     the goal!

     “The  strength  of  the  team  is  each  individual
     member.  The  strength  of  each  member  is  the
     team.”  ~Phil Jackson
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