Page 17 - September Scoop 2022
P. 17
D D S S C O O P / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2
Stopping the Spread!
Stopping the Spread!
Stopping the Spread!
Free Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters at CSCs!
Free Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters at CSCs!
Free Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters at CSCs!
DDS continues to partner with the Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE) to
offer free COVID-19 Vaccines and boosters at CSCs throughout the State. Two
events were held recently in Fayetteville and LaGrange.
Dominique Hayes left in Fayetteville helped publicize
the program. Customers and Team Members were
pleased that this service was so accessible. As an added
bonus, those receiving a vaccine or booster received a
digital gift card!
Aleeisha Carr with the Communications
Team received a booster while visiting
LaGrange CSC!