Page 14 - September Scoop 2022
P. 14
T H E S C O O P / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2
How to Google Like a Pro
IT offers the helpful tips in the chart
at left when searching for
information on the Internet.
In addition you can also use the
search engine as a calculator. For
math haters, just type the equation
on the search bar and let Google
solve it for you.
Did you know there are several ways to access your password reset tool?
Computer desktop: Click on the password reset Peach Icon.
Login screen: Choose the “forgot Password” link on the Windows login screen.
Registered, but don’t remember your security questions?
Log in and choose “set up security questions” you will see an option to clear your answers.
*Remember the username is your network ID NOT your email.
Questions? Please contact Kym Vrooman, or (678) 413-8853