Page 16 - September Scoop 2022
P. 16

T H E     S C O O P   /     S E P T E M B E R   2 0 2 2

                                        DDS Family
                                        DDS Family

            The Thomasville CSC is ready for Fall!

                    The HELP Desk celebrated Team Member
                    Felma Andrews retirement with 15 years of
                    Faithful Service with the State.  Pictured
                    with Felma are Jazzmeen Brewer (left) and
                    Whitney Morton (right).

                                                               Team Member Sonjia Gainey's daughter returned to
                                                               college at Clayton State University and CSC 20 Manager
                                                               Debra Tharpe made sure she had what she needed to
                                                               return to school. Good Luck this year Mya!
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