Page 104 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 104

•   Inspect all electrical system cables and lines are  11 M.6 - Combination Vehicles
               secure and not cracked or worn.
           •   Inspect that the battery box, cover or door is     11M.6.1- Combination Vehicles Only
               secure, if applicable.
                                                                  Air and Electric Lines / Connectors
           Note:  Inform the examiner if the batteries are not
           visible or accessible.                                 Description: Carry air and electricity from power unit
                                                                  to trailer.
           Fuel Tank(s)
                                                                  Why Inspect: Air Brakes - Loss of air to the trailer will
           Description: A container that holds fuel.              result in a partial or total loss of braking to the towed
           Why Inspect:  Leaks are a fire hazard and can cause    unit. A low air condition will cause sudden application
           driving hazards to other traffic. Fuel on pavement can   of the trailer's spring brakes, which may result in loss
           be very slippery.                                      of control and lead to a crash.
                                                                  Electric Brakes - Loss of electrical connection to the
           Inspection:                                            trailer will result in total loss of braking and control to
           •   Inspect that all fuel tank(s), including Diesel    the towed unit and can lead to a crash.
               Exhaust Fuel (DEF) tank(s), if equipped, are       Electric Lines - Damaged lines may result in loss of
               securely mounted, cap(s) are tight, and that there  the vehicle's ability to communicate its maneuvers to
               are no leaks from tank(s) or lines.                other drivers (no turn, or brake lights). Not being seen
                                                                  by other traffic at night is a serious traffic hazard and
           Frame(s)                                               can lead to a crash.
           Description: Structural members for supporting         Inspection:
           vehicle body or trailer body.                          •   Inspect that air and electric connectors on the
           Why Inspect:  Loose or cracked frame members may          power unit and trailer are seated and sealed, free
           reduce vehicle stability, cause handling and cornering    of damage and locked into place.
           problems (e.g., wandering, possible rollover) resulting   •  Inspect that air hoses and electrical lines are not
           in total loss of vehicle control. Cracks, breaks or holes   cut, cracked, chafed, spliced, taped or worn
           in the cargo area can result in possible loss of cargo.   (steel braid/electrical conductor must not show
                                                                     through). Listen for air leaks (air brake systems
           •   Inspect for cracks, broken welds, holes or other   •  only).
                                                                      Inspect that electrical lines and air lines (if
               damage to the frame members, including the            equipped) are not tangled, crimped or pinched, or
               trailer, if applicable.
           •   Inspect for cracks, breaks or holes in the cargo      dragging against vehicle parts or the ground.
               area or floor, including the trailer, if applicable.  Note: You must inspect the connections on both the
           •   Inspect that trailer tandem release lever and pins  power unit and trailer to receive credit.
               are secure, if applicable.
                                                                  For the remainder of this section (11 M.6.1 ), you
           11 M.5.4 - Rear of Vehicle or Trailer                  will need to study the type of coupling system
                                                                  your vehicle is equipped with - that you will be
           Lenses and Reflectors                                  using for your Vehicle Inspection test:
           Description: Light lenses or covers and reflectors on     •   Fifth Wheel Combination, or
           rear of vehicle or trailer (combination only).            •   Pintle Hook Combination, or
           Why Inspect:  Light lenses or covers must be free of      •   All Other Types of Combinations.
           damage for lights to work properly. Reflectors allow
           the driver of a commercial vehicle to be seen and to   FOR FIFTH WHEEL COMBINATIONS ONLY
           communicate presence with other traffic.
           Inspection:                                            Fifth Wheel Skid Plate
           •   Inspect that light lenses or covers are the proper  Description:  Plate on which the trailer rests and
               color, clean, not broken and not missing.          secures the trailer kingpin.
           •   Inspect that reflectors are the proper color, clean,
               not broken and not missing.                        Why Inspect: A faulty or damaged fifth wheel skid
                                                                  plate and an improper connection between the tractor
           Note: on a combination vehicle, you need only inspect   and the trailer can result in handling problems,
           the rear of the trailer.                               rollover, or separation of the tractor and trailer leading
                                                                  to a crash.

           Section 11 M - Vehicle Inspection
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