Page 100 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 100
11 M.2 - Passen er and School Bus Onl Passenger Monitoring Devices
Description: Mirrors and monitoring devices, such as
Passenger Entry and Lift cameras, for observing and monitoring passengers or
Description: Bus door(s) used for normal entry or exit. students.
Passenger lift used for wheelchair accessibility. Why Inspect: Internal (passenger) and external
Why Inspect: All passengers must be able to enter (fender, cross-over and other) mirrors or monitoring
and exit safely. devices for seeing and observing passengers or
students help the driver to safely observe and
Inspection: monitor passengers/students during driving, loading
• Inspect that entry door(s) are not damaged, and unloading. Passenger/school bus vehicle drivers
operate smoothly and close securely from the must be able to see boarding and discharging
inside. passengers/students.
• Inspect that handrails are secure and, if
equipped, that the step light(s) are working. Inspection:
• Inspect that the entry steps are clear, and the • Inspect that all internal and external passenger
tread is not loose, or worn. mirrors and mirror brackets are not bent and are
• If equipped with a passenger lift, inspect for mounted securely with no missing parts.
leaking, damaged or missing parts, and explain • Inspect all internal and external passenger
how the lift should be inspected for correct mirrors for proper adjustment and that they are
operation. clean.
• If equipped, lift must be fully retracted and • If equipped, inspect that passenger monitoring
latched securely. devices or cameras are clean and viewable from
the inside and the video display is operable and
Emergency Exits adjusted for viewing.
Description: Bus doors, roof hatches, or push-out • Inspect student crossover mirrors (school bus
windows used for emergency evacuation. only).
Why Inspect: Emergency exits must be operable in 11 M.3 - School Bus Only
order to provide an escape for passengers during a
crash or emergency. Student Lights {Front and Back)
Inspection: Description: Strobe light (if equipped), alternately
• Inspect that all emergency exits are labeled, not flashing amber lights and alternately flashing red lights
damaged, operate smoothly, and close securely on school buses.
from the inside. Demonstrate that at least one (1)
emergency exit operates smoothly, closes Why Inspect: Student lights allow the driver of a
securely, and is not damaged. Confirm that the school bus to communicate presence and intentions to
exit and warnings work properly. Point out and stop/resume student loading and unloading with other
describe how all other emergency exits operate. traffic.
• Inspect that release handles can be operated Inspection: The following student lights must be
properly both from inside and outside the vehicle. inspected, and the operation demonstrated, on both
• With the key in the "on" or "charged" position, the front and back of the vehicle.
inspect that emergency exit warning devices are • Inspect that strobe light (if equipped) is operational
working. and is not broken. Inspect that the strobe light
Passenger Seating indicator on the dash is operational.
• Inspect that alternately flashing amber lights (if
Description: Passenger vehicle seats and frames. equipped), on both front and rear of vehicle, are
Why Inspect: Seats must be safe for passengers to operational and is not broken. Inspect that the
sit in. flashing amber light indicator on the dash is
Inspection: • Inspect that alternately flashing red lights, on both
• Inspect that there are no broken seat frames and front and rear of vehicle, are operational and is not
inspect that seat frames are firmly attached to the broken. Inspect that the flashing red light indicator
floor. on the dash is operational.
• Inspect that seat cushions are attached securely
to the seat frames. Stop Arm{sl and Safety Arm
Description: The stop arm and safety arm on school
buses that operate when student loading and
unloading lights are activated.
Section 11 M - Vehicle Inspection
Version: September 9, 2022 101