Page 102 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 102

Fluid and Air Leaks                                    Inspection: The following items must be inspected
                                                                  on each tire:
           Description: Fluid leaks from engine and other vehicle   •  Tire inflation: Inspect for proper inflation using a
           systems; and air leaks, if applicable.                    tire gauge. Make sure all valve stems are
           Why Inspect: Fluid loss could indicate component          accessible.
           failure in areas where levels might not be readily     •  Tire condition: Inspect for cuts and damage that
           inspected (e.g., transmission or fuel systems). Air       expose body plies to the tire in the tread and
           leaks could indicate component failure in areas that      sidewall. Make sure that valve caps are not
           may not be readily inspected (e.g., air compressor and    missing, and valve stems are not damaged or
           other air components).                                    broken. Look for bumps and bulges in the
                                                                     sidewall and mismatched diameters in dual tires.
           Inspection:                                            •  Tread depth: Inspect for minimum tread depth
           •   Look for puddles on the ground.                       with a tread depth gauge on all major tread
           •   Look for dripping fluids around and on underside      grooves containing wear bars (4/32 on steering
               of engine and transmission.                           axle tires, 2/32 on all other tires).
           •   Inspect hoses and air lines, if applicable, for
               condition and leaks.                               Note: You will not get credit if you simply kick the
                                                                  tires or use a mallet to inspect for proper inflation.
           Steering System                                        You must mention the use of a tire gauge.

           Description: Mechanisms that transform steering        Note: If the tires are equipped with an automatic tire
           column action into wheel turning action.               inflation system (ATIS) or tire pressure monitoring
           Why Inspect: Worn, cracked, loose or broken steering   system (TPMS) that has hoses connected to the tire
           parts could result in loss of steering. Movement in the   valve stems, you need only mention that tire pressure
           linkage can cause the vehicle to wander or experience   is monitored and adjusted by an automatic system
           other serious control problems.                        and inspect that it is working properly.

           Inspection:                                            Rims/Wheels
           •   Inspect that the power steering box is securely    Description: The metal rims/wheels which tires are
               mounted and not leaking.                           mounted on.
           •   Inspect that all steering hoses and connections
               are not cracked, worn or leaking.                  Why Inspect:  Damaged rims can result in loss of a tire
           •   Inspect that the steering system has no missing    from the rim, loss of a wheel from an axle, loss of air
               nuts, bolts, or cotter keys.                       pressure in a tire, a wheel rolling off a rim due to
           •   Inspect that visible connecting links, arms, and   damage to flange, or split rim. A damaged wheel can
               rods from the steering box to the wheel are not    result in loss of vehicle control, leading to a crash.
               worn or cracked and that joints and sockets are    Wheels and rims should be inspected for conditions
               not worn or loose.                                 that could result in a complete or partial wheel
                                                                  separation or air loss in the tire.
           11 M.5.2 - Axle Components/Steering
           Axle                                                   Inspection:
                                                                     Inspect for damaged, cracked or bent rims. Rims
           Note: Be prepared to perform the same                     cannot have welding repairs. Inspect for rust
           inspection, described in this section (11 M.5.2) on       trails that may indicate rim is loose on a wedge
           any of the vehicle axles.                                 wheel, if applicable.
                                                                  •  Inspect studs and bolt holes to make sure they
           Tires                                                     are not elongated (out of round) and there are no
           Description: Tire/wheel assemblies in contact with the    missing or loose nuts or bolts.
           pavement.                                              Wheel Fasteners (Lug Nuts)
           Why Inspect: Underinflation increases the chance of    Description: Holds wheel on axle.
           blowout from excessive heat buildup due to increased
           flexing of the tire. Low tread depth increases the effect   Why Inspect:  Loose or missing lug nuts could result in
           of hydroplaning, reduces traction and increases        the loss of a wheel and lead to a crash.
           stopping distance.                                     Inspection:
           Overinflation increases the chances of damage to the   •  Inspect that all lug nuts are present.
           tire from curbs and potholes and loss of traction due to   •  Inspect that lug nuts are not loose and there are
           less tread in contact with the road. Cuts and bulges      no signs of rust trails or shiny threads that may
           may cause tire failure, blowouts, and sudden loss of      show looseness.
           control.                                               •  Inspect that there are no broken studs.

           Section 11 M - Vehicle Inspection
           Version: September 9, 2022                        103
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