Page 86 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 86
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the service cracked, or dented and are mounted securely. • Check that door(s) are not damaged and
brake and stop. Check to see that the vehicle that they open and close properly from the
does not pull to either side and that it stops Brake Hoses/Lines outside.
when brake is applied. • Look for cracked, worn, or leaking hoses, • Hinges should be secure with seals intact.
Safety Belt lines, and couplings. • Check that mirror(s) and mirror brackets are
• Check that the safety belt is securely mount Drum Brake not damaged and are mounted securely with
ed, adjusts, latches properly and is not ripped • Check for cracks, dents, or holes. Also check no loose fittings.
or frayed. for loose or missing bolts. Fuel Tank
• Check for contaminates such debris or oil/
11.2- External lns ection grease. • Check that tank(s) are secure, cap(s) are tight,
(All Vehicles r • Brake linings (where visible) should not be and that there are no leaks from tank(s) or
worn dangerously thin.
11.2.1- Steering Brake Linings Battery/Box
Steering Box/Hoses • On some brake drums, there are openings • Wherever located, see that battery(s) are se
cure, connections are tight, and cell caps are
• Check that the steering box is securely where the brake linings can be seen from present.
mounted and not leaking. Look for any miss outside the drum. For this type of drum, • Battery connections should not show signs
ing nuts, bolts, and cotter keys. check that a visible amount of brake lining of excessive corrosion.
• Check for power steering fluid leaks or dam is showing.
age to power steering hoses. NOTE: Be prepared to perform the same • Battery box and cover or door must be secure.
Steering Linkage brake components inspection on every axle Drive Shaft
(power unit and trailer, if equipped).
• See that connecting links, arms, and rods • See that drive shaft is not bent or cracked.
from the steering box to the wheel are not 11.2.4 - Wheels • Couplings should be secure and free of for
worn or cracked. Rims eign objects.
• Check that joints and sockets are not worn • Check for damaged or bent rims. Rims can Exhaust System
or loose and that there are no missing nuts,
bolts, or cotter keys. not have welding repairs. • Check system for damage and signs of leaks
such as rust or carbon soot.
11.2.2 - Suspension The following items must be inspected on • System should be connected tightly and
Springs/Air/Torque every tire: mounted securely.
• Look for missing, shifted, cracked, or broken • Tread depth: Check for minimum tread • Checks DEF tank to ensure the level of diesel
exhaust fluid in the tank is adequate (more
leaf springs. depth (4/32 on steering axle tires, 2/32 on than l/8th tank) checks that DEF indicator
• Look for broken or distorted coil springs. all other tires). on the dash is working properly
• If vehicle is equipped with torsion bars, • Tire condition: Check that tread is evenly worn Frame
and look for cuts or other damage to tread or
torque arms, or other types of suspension sidewalls. Also, make sure that valve caps and • Look for cracks, broken welds, holes or other
components, check that they are not damaged stems are not missing, broken, or damaged. damage to the longitudinal frame members,
and are mounted securel y. cross members, box, and floor.
• Air ride suspension should be checked for • Tire inflation: Check for proper inflation by
using a tire gauge. Note: You will not get
damage and leaks. credit if you simply kick the tires to check 11.2.6- Rear of Vehicle
Mounts for proper inflation. Splash Guards
• Look for cracked or broken spring hangers, Hub Oil Seals/Axle Seals • If equipped, check that splash guards or mud
missing or damaged bushings, and broken, flaps are not damaged and are mounted se
loose, or missing bolts, u-bolts or other axle • See that hub oil/grease seals and axle seals curely.
are not leaking and, if wheel has a sight glass,
mounting parts. (The mounts should be Doors/Ties/Lifts
checked at each point where they are secured oil level is adequate.
to the vehicle frame and axle[s].) Lug Nuts • Check that doors and hinges are not dam
aged and that they open, close, and latch
Shock Absorbers • Check that all lug nuts are present, free of properly from the outside, if equipped.
• See that shock absorbers are secure and that cracks and distortions, and show no signs of
there are no leaks. looseness such as rust trails or shiny threads. • Ties, straps, chains, and binders must also
be secure.
NOTE: Be prepared to perform the same sus • Make sure all bolt holes are not cracked or
pension components inspection on every axle distorted. • If equipped with a cargo lift, look for leaking,
(power unit and trailer, if equipped). Spacers or Budd Spacing damaged or missing parts and explain how
it should be checked for correct operation.
If equipped, check that spacers are not bent,
11.2.3- Brakes damaged, or rusted through. • Lift must be fully retracted and latched se-
Slack Adjustors and Pushrods Spacers should be evenly centered, with the curely.
• Look for broken, loose, or missing parts. dual wheels and tires evenly separated. 11.2.7 -Tractor/Coupling
NOTE: Be prepared to perform the same
• For manual slack adjustors, the brake pushrod wheel inspection on every axle (power unit Air/Electric Lines
should not move more than one inch (with the
brakes released) when pulled by hand. and trailer, if equipped). • Listen for air leaks. Check that air hoses and
electrical lines are not cut, chafed, spliced, or
Brake Chambers 11.2.5 - Side of Vehicle worn (steel braid should not show through).
• See that brake chambers are not leaking, Door(s)/Mirror(s) • Make sure air and electrical lines are not