Page 83 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 83
• As you slow down, monitor your bus and back 10.7.2 - Driving in High Winds 10.7.4 - Tail Swing
off the brakes (if it is safe to do so) to stay in Strong winds affect the handling of the school
control. A school bus can have up to a three-foot tail
bus! The side of a school bus acts like a sail on a swing. You need to check your mirrors before
10.6.4 - Braking if ABS is Not Working sailboat. Strong winds can push the school bus and during any turning movements to monitor
sideways. They can even move the school bus the tail swing.
Without ABS, you still have normal brake off the road or, in extreme conditions, tip it over.
functions. Drive and brake as you always have. If you are caught in strong winds:
Vehicles with ABS have yellow malfunction
lamps to tell you if something is not working. • Keep a strong grip on the steering wheel. Try
to anticipate gusts.
The yellow ABS malfunction lamp is on the bus's
instrument panel. • You should slow down to lessen the effect of
As a system check on newer vehicles, the the wind, or pull off the roadway and wait.
malfunction lamp comes on at start-up for a • Contact your dispatcher to get more informa Make Your
bulb check and then goes out quickly. On older tion on how to proceed.
systems, the lamp could stay on until you are Road
driving over five mph. 10.7.3 - Backing
If the lamp stays on after the bulb check, or
goes on once you are under way, you may have Backing a school bus is strongly discouraged. Test Online!
lost ABS control at one or more wheels. You should back your bus only when you have
Remember, if your ABS malfunctions, you still no other safe way to move the vehicle. You should
have regular brakes. Drive normally, but get the never back a school bus when students are outside
system serviced soon. of the bus. Backing is dangerous and increases at
your risk of a collision. If you have no choice and
10.6.5 - Safety Reminders you must back your bus, follow these procedures:
• ABS won't allow you to drive faster, follow • Post a lookout. The purpose of the lookout is
more closely, or drive less carefully. to warn you about obstacles, approaching per
• ABS won't prevent power or turning skids sons, and other vehicles. The lookout should
not give directions on how to back the bus.
ABS should prevent brake-induced skids but
not those caused by spinning the drive wheels • Signal for quiet on the bus.
or going too fast in a tum. • Constantly check all mirrors and rear windows.
• ABS won't necessarily shorten stopping dis
tance. ABS will help maintain vehicle control, • Back slowly and smoothly.
but not always shorten stopping distance. • If no lookout is available:
• ABS won't increase or decrease ultimate stop » Set the parking brake.
ping power-ABS is an "add-on" to your nor » Tum off the motor and take the keys with
mal brakes, not a replacement for them. » Walk to the rear of the bus to determine
• ABS won't change the way you normally whether the way is clear.
brake. Under normal brake conditions, your • If you must back-up at a student pick-up point,
vehicle will stop as it always stopped. ABS
only comes into play when a wheel would nor be sure to pick up students before backing and
watch for late comers at all times.
mally have locked up because of over braking.
• ABS won't compensate for bad brakes or poor • Be sure that all students are in the bus before
brake maintenance. backing.
• Remember: The best vehicle safety feature is
still a safe driver.
• Remember: Drive so you never need to use TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
your ABS.
• Remember: If you need it, ABS could help to Section 10
prevent a serious crash. • Define the danger zone. How far does the • What position should students be in
danger zone extend around the bus? front of the bus before they cross the
1 O. 7 - Special Safety • What should you be able to see if roadway?
Considerations the outside flat mirrors are adjusted • Under what conditions must you
properly? The outside convex mirrors? evacuate the bus?
10.7.1 - Strobe Lights The crossover mirrors? • How far from the nearest rail should you
Some school buses are equipped with roof • You are loading students along the route. stop at a highway-rail crossing?
mounted, white strobe lights. If your bus is so When should you activate your alternating • What is a passive highway-rail crossing?
equipped, the overhead strobe light should be flashing amber warning lights? Why should you be extra cautious at this
used when you have limited visibility. This • You are unloading students along your type of crossing?
means that you cannot easily see around you - route. Where should students walk to
in front, behind, or beside the school bus. Your after exiting the bus? • How should you use your brakes if your
visibility could be only slightly limited or it could vehicle is equipped with antilock brakes
be so bad that you can see nothing at all. In all • After unloading at school, why should you (ABS)?
instances, understand and obey your state or lo walk through the bus?
cal regulations concerning the use of these lights. These questions may be on your test. If you can't answer them all, re-read Section 10.