Page 11 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 11

                                                                        SECTION  : INTRODUCTION

           COMMERCIAL LICENSE & PERMIT FEES                                   RESTRICTION CODES
                                                                                  –  COMMERCIAL
                     Type                       Term               Fee
         CDL License Class A, B                8 years             $32
                                                                              E  No Manual Transmission Equipped CMV
         CDL Learner’s Permit AP, BP          365 days             $10        K  Intrastate Commerce Only
         CDL Application                                           $35        L  Without Air-Brakes

         CDL   Road Skills Test*                                   $50        M  No Class A Passenger Buses
                                                                              N  No Class A or B Passenger Buses
         CDL Endorsements              “Term of License w/o Hazmat”   $5 each
                                                                              O  No Tractor Trailer CMV

          NOTE:  If you possess a Hazmat Endorsement, it will expire on the Threat Assessment Date which is a
          maximum of 5 years. The fee is $20. *After Feb. 7, 2022, applicants must complete Entry-Level Driver   P  No Passengers in CMV bus

          Training (ELDT) before scheduling a roadtest.                       V  Medical Variance
                       COMMERCIAL CLASSES                                     X  No Cargo in CMV Tank Vehicle
           Class                           Purpose
                                                                              Y  Hearing Aid Required
                  Truck trailer or tractor-semi trailer combination in which the combination weight
                  exceeds 26,001 pounds and the unit being towed exceeds 10,000 pounds. Class    Z  No Full Air Brake
                  A driver may operate vehicles in Class B and C with required endorsements. Ap-
          Class A   plicants must possess a Class C driver’s license before obtaining a Class A and
                  be at least 18 years of age.                                COMMERCIAL CLASS
                  A single driver’s license, with a combination of classifications, will be issued to    ENDORSEMENTS
                  qualified persons who wish to drive various types of vehicles.   C  For-Hire
          Class AP   Class A Commercial Learner’s Permit                         Passenger Vehicles (sixteen or more,
                  Single vehicles weighing 26,001 or more pounds and the unit being towed is    including driver)
                  less than 10,000 pounds. A class B driver may operate motor vehicles included    T  Double/Triple-Trailers
          Class B   within Class C.                                              Tanker and Hazardous (not qualified for
                  Applicants must possess a Class C driver’s license prior to obtaining a Class B    X   Permits)
                  driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age.
          Class BP   Class B Commercial Learner’s Permit                      H   Hazardous Materials Haulers
                                                                                 (not qualified for Permits)
                  Class ‘C’ Commercial Driver’s Licenses are issued only if the vehicle is designed to    S  School Bus
          Class C   transport sixteen or more passengers (including the driver), or utilized to transport
                  hazardous materials in quantities that require placarding.   N  Tank Vehicles

         THE “MOVE OVER” LAW

         Georgia’s “Move Over” Law helps ensure highway safety for motorists, emergency personnel,
         active sanitation workers, and utility service workers when their vehicles     How does the “Move
         are stopped on the side of the roadway.                              Over” Law make a
         This law was created to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities to
         police officers, paramedics, firefighters, wrecker operators, and high-  difference?
         way maintenance workers by maintaining an open buffer lane between
         passing highway traffic and authorized roadside emergency vehicles     •  Thirty percent of all crashes occur as the
         displaying flashing yellow, amber, white, red, or blue lights. It was     result of another crash.
         amended to include active sanitation workers and utility service workers     •  Providing a buffer lane for these vehicles
         who are utilizing traffic cones and/or vehicles displaying flashing lights.   parked on the roadway shoulder actually
         In Georgia, this law requires motorists to:                          reduces the risk of another crash.
         •  Move Over to the next lane if safely possible;   Safely change lanes     •  When the required clearance is given
         •  If unable to Move Over, then Slow Down below the speed limit   when approaching any        to roadside these types of vehicles, the
                                                         emergency, sanitation, or
           and be prepared to stop.                      utility service vehicle.   margin of safety is increased, not only

                                                                              for public safety, emergency personnel,
           This law applies to any emergency vehicle, sanitation, or utility   active sanitation workers, and utility
           service parked on the shoulder of the roadway.                     service workers, but for motorists and
                                                                              their passengers as well.
         Why was the “Move Over” Law Passed?                                It’s the Law!
         •  Because it saves lives. The “Move Over”   •  More police officers
           Law helps maintain traffic flow and   are killed by traffic      •  Violations can result in a fine of no more
           protect the safety of motorists, emergency   crashes than in       than $500 for the first offense.
           personnel, active sanitation workers, and   any other line-of-duty cause of death.
           utility service workers.                                         •  The “Move Over” Law is another reason
                                            More than one fourth of those killed are   to slow down on the highways and,
         •  Vehicles parked on the side of the roadway   struck by passing vehicles while they work   interstates, and roadways.
           are vulnerable to crashes even when   outside their patrol cars.
           emergency lights are flashing.

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