Page 8 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 8


                                            Note: After 2/7/22 Formal Training is
          proper CDL group and endorsement(s) neces-  required before you will be able to get   skills test. If said person fails to appear for his

          sary to operate the CMV.          the TSA back ground check. See page 67.   or her scheduled skills test appointment the
                                                                             license fee paid shall be considered a testing
           •  The CDL holder must at all times be physically     •  The   doubles/triples test, required if you

          present in the front seat of the vehicle next to     want to pull double or triple trailers.   fee and retained by the department. Pursuant

          the CLP holder or, in the case of a passenger   (NOTE: This endorsement is not eligible to   to O.C.G.A. §40-5-25 and   DDS Rule 1-1-.10(7), the

          vehicle, directly behind or in the first row be-  be on the CLP.)   $50.00   Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Road
          hind the driver and must have the CLP holder                       Skills Test fee is now required for each testing
          under observation and direct supervision.   •  The School Bus test required if you want to  attempt. All fees retained by the department
                                             drive a school bus. The school bus   skills   pursuant to this Code section shall be remitted
          The issuance of a CLP is a precondition to   test must be taken and passed by   all   to the general fund.
        the initial issuance of a CDL. The issuance of a     applicants in order to obtain this en-    If you pass the required knowledge test(s),

        CLP is also a precondition to the upgrade of a                       You can take the CDL roadtest. Here are three

        CDL if the upgrade requires a skills test. The     dorsement.        types     of general skills that will be tested: pre-

        CLP holder is not eligible to take the CDL                           trip   inspection, basic vehicle control, and on-

        skills test in the first 14 days after initial     The passing score for all knowledge tests  road   driving. You must take these tests in

        issuance of the CLP. If you change CLP     is 80%                    the   type     of vehicle for which you wish     to be

                                                                                     Any  vehicle  that  has  components


        Class or add one of 3 endorsements (P-S-N)     With the exception of adding the Passenger (P)  marked     labeled cannot be used for the Pre-


        your initial issuance changes.     endorsement  or  the  School  Bus  (S)  endorse- trip Inspection   Test.
          Each person applying for a commercial or     ment,      driver  who  already  has  the  required


        noncommercial instructional (learner’s) permit     license  class  may  add  the     endorsement(s)



        for Class A, B, C, or M driver’s license shall pay     after    passing  written  tests  requisite  to  the  Special  Note        your  CLP      issued  after

        the applicable license fee prior to attempting the     endorsement(s) being applied for. To obtain a  February  7,  2022,  you  will  be  required  to
        knowledge test for the instructional (learner’s)     Passenger (P) or School Bus (S) endorsement,   complete  Entry  Level   Driver   Training
        permit sought. If said person fails to achieve a     the driver must pass both CDL knowledge and   (ELDT)  before  being  allowed  to  take  the
                                           skills tests.

        passing   score on the knowledge test, the license       If you do not have the license class required     CDL Skills tests.   The CLP cannot be held for

        fee paid shall be considered a testing fee and     for    an endorsement but are seeking that class   more than  one year (365) days.    If you fail any

        retained by the department. Any person failing     while    also  seeking  the  endorsement,the  en-  part  of  the  skills  tests  you  can  apply  to

        to achieve a passing score on the knowledge test     dorsement     is  only  granted  if  the  knowledge   reschedule the retest after the waiting period as

        for an instructional (learner’s) permit shall pay     test    for  the  endorsement     is  passed  and  all   follows:

        the applicable license fee on each subsequent     other    requirements  for  the  license  class  also

        attempt until successful, at which time the fee     are met.            •  1st failure   and subsequent
        shall be his or her license fee.    If  you  fail  an  endorsement  test,  but  have   failures -two   days.
          You will have to take one or more knowledge     otherwise    passed  the  knowledge  tests  for

        tests, depending on what class of license and     the  license    class,  you  can  still  take  the   The following restrictions will be placed on

        what endorsements you need. To qualify for a     applicable skills    tests.      you  pass  the  skills   your license if the test is this type of vehicle:

        license permit, a person must obtain a passing     tests,    you  should  be  given  the  appropriate

        score on all knowledge tests required for that     license,    but  without  the  endorsement.  You     •  If an applicant performs the skills test in a ve-

        class. The CDL knowledge tests are all multiple-  can    then  retake  the  endorsement  test  later   hicle equipped with an automatic transmis-

        choice and include:                without    further  skills  testing  except  for   sion, that person is restricted from operating

                                                                              a CMV equipped with a manual transmis-


        •  The   general knowledge test, taken by   obtaining      P  or      endorse-ment  (P  and  S   sion. (No manual transmission equipped

          all   applicants.                endorsements   require a skills test be performed   CMV)
                                           in a bus).
        •  The passenger transport test, taken by all   Upon    request  the  examiner  will  provide  •  Tractor-trailer – If an applicant performs the

          bus driver applicants. The passenger   you with    your  score  for  each  knowledge  test   skills test in a combination vehicle for a Group

          transport skills test must be taken and                             A CDL with the power unit and towed unit
          passed by all applicants in order to ob-  taken. All   test material is derived from the CDL   connected with a pintle hook or other non-fifth

          tain this endorsement.           Drivers Manual.                    wheel connection, that person is restricted
                                            After   you have passed the knowledge test(s)
        •  The air brakes test, which you must take   if   for   a license class, you then must pass the skill   from operating a tractor-trailer combination
          your vehicle has air brakes, including   air   tests. No class of CDL or CDL upgrade is grant-  connected by a fifth wheel that requires a
          over hydraulic brakes.           ed solely on the basis of passing the knowledge   Group A CDL. (No tractor trailer CMV)
                                           tests. If a driver fails one or more   of the knowl-
        •  The   combination vehicles test, which is                            •  If an applicant performs the skills test in a
          required if you want to drive combina-  edge tests required for a license class, you must   passenger vehicle requiring a Group B CDL,

          tion   vehicles.                 retake    and  pass  the  failed  test(s)  before   that person is restricted from operating a
                                                the skills tests.
        •  The hazardous materials test, required   if                        passenger vehicle requiring a Group A CDL.
                                                                              (No Class A passenger busses)
          you want to haul hazardous materials,   as   The retest waiting period is:

          defined   in 49 CFR 383.5. In order to     •  1st failure and subsequent failures - two     •  If an applicant performs the skills test in a

          obtain   this endorsement you are also re-  days                    passenger vehicle requiring a Group C CDL,
          quired to pass a Transportation Security                            that person is restricted from operating a
          Administration (TSA) background check   Knowledge test failures also affect the retest     passenger vehicle requiring a Group B CDL.
          (go to for   waiting period for skills test.   (No class A or B passenger busses)
          additional information). (NOTE: This en-  Current active Duty Military, Guard and Re-    •  If an applicant performs the skills test in a
          dorsement is not eligible to be on the CLP.)   serve members or military personnel that have
                                          not been out of the military more than one (1)     vehicle that does not have air brakes they will
        •  The   tanker test is required if you want to   year can apply for a Military Skills Test Waiver.     be restricted from operating a CMV with air
          haul a liquid or gaseous materials in a   Please visit the DDS website at     brakes. (No air brake equipped CMV)
          tank or tanks having an individual rated   to download the Military Skills Test Waiver
          capacity of more than 119 gallons and an   application.             To have a restriction(s) removed you must
          aggregate rated   capacity of   1,000   gal-                      obtain a CLP for the Class of vehicle you will be
          lons or more that is  either permanently or  1.2.2 – Skills Tests   operating that does not have the restriction(s) on

          temporarily attached to the vehicle or   Each person applying for a Class A, B, or C     it. The permit is considered valid for purposes
          chassis.                        commercial driver’s license shall pay the ap-  of behind-the-wheel training on public roads
                                          plicable license fee at the time that he or she     or highways if at all times accompanied by the
                                          schedules his or her appointment for said     holder of a valid CDL who has the proper CDL
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