Page 9 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 9
group and endorsement(s) necessary to operate WHAT SECTIONS SHOULD YOU STUDY?
the CMV. The CDL holder must at all times be
physically present in the front seat of the vehicle License Type Endorsement
next to the CLP holder or, in the case of a pas- Class Class Class Hazardous Double / Tank Passenger School
senger vehicle, directly behind or in the first A B C Materials Triple Vehicles Bus
row behind the driver and must have the CLP 1 X X X
holder under observation and direct supervi- 2 X X X X X X
sion. You will also be required to take the road 3 X X X
test (i.e. vehicle inspection, basic skills and on- y 4 4 X
the-road driving test) again in a vehicle that is udy 5* X X X X
not configured and/or equipped the same as the Stud
one that resulted in the restriction(s) originally ns to St 6 X X X
being placed on the license. 7 X X
Pre-trip Inspection. You will be tested to see if Sections to Sectio 9 X X
you know whether your vehicle is safe to drive. 10 X
You will be asked to do a pre-trip inspection of 11 X X X X X
your vehicle and explain to the examiner what 12 X X X X X
you would inspect and why. (This will require 13 X X X X X
you to physically maneuver/crawl under the
hood or under the vehicle.) *Study section 5 if you plan to operate vehicles equipped with air brakes.
Basic Vehicle Control. You will be tested on Figure 1.2
your skill to control the vehicle. You will be
asked to move your vehicle forward, backward, • Causing a fatality through negligent opera- • For at least three years if you have committed
and turn it within a defined area. These areas tion of a CMV. three or more violations of an out-of-service
may be marked with traffic lanes, cones, barri- order.
ers, or something similar. The examiner will tell You will lose your CDL for at least three years
you how each control test is to be done. if the offense occurs while you are operating a 1.3.5 – Railroad-highway Grade
CMV that is placarded for hazardous materials. Crossing Violations
On-road Test. You will be tested on your skill You will lose your CDL for life for a second You will lose your CDL:
to safely drive your vehicle in a variety of traffic offense.
situations. The situations may include left and You will lose your CDL for life if you use a • For at least 60 days for your first violation.
right turns, intersections, railroad crossings, CMV to commit a felony involving controlled • For at least 120 days for your second violation
curves, up and down grades, single or multi- substances. within a three-year period.
lane roads, streets, or highways. The examiner You will be put out-of-service for 24 hours if you
will tell you where to drive. have any detectable amount of alcohol under .04%. • For at least one year for your third violation
Figure 1.2 details which sections of this man- within a three-year period.
ual you should study for each particular class 1.3.3 – Serious Traffic Violations These violations include violation of a fed-
of license and for each endorsement. Serious traffic violation means conviction of eral, state or local law or regulation pertaining
any of the following offenses or a conviction of to one of the following six offenses at a railroad-
1.3 – CDL Disqualifications any law or ordinance equivalent thereto in this highway grade crossing:
state, in any other state, or in any foreign juris-
diction, when operating either a commercial • For drivers who are not required to always
1.3.1 – General motor vehicle or unless otherwise specified, a stop, failing to stop before reaching the cross-
You may not drive a commercial motor ve- non-commercial vehicle: ing if the tracks are not clear.
hicle if you are disqualified for any reason. Serious traffic violations are excessive • For drivers who are not required to always
speeding (15 mph or more above the posted
1.3.2 – Alcohol, Leaving the limit), reckless driving, improper or erratic lane stop, failing to slow down and check that
Scene of an Accident, and changes, following a vehicle too closely, traffic the tracks are clear of an approaching train.
Commission of a Felony offenses committed in a CMV in connection • For drivers who are always required to stop,
It is illegal to operate a CMV if your blood with fatal traffic accidents, driving a CMV with- failing to stop before driving onto the crossing.
alcohol concentration (BAC) is .04% or more. If out obtaining a CDL or having a CDL in the • For all drivers failing to have sufficient space
you operate a CMV, you shall be deemed to have driver’s possession, and driving a CMV without to drive completely through the crossing
given your consent to alcohol testing. the proper class of CDL and/or endorsements. without stopping.
You will lose your CDL for at least one year You will lose your CDL:
for a first offense for: • For all drivers failing to obey a traffic control
• For at least 60 days if you have committed
• Driving a CMV if your blood alcohol concen- two serious traffic violations within a three- device or the directions of an enforcement
tration is .04% or higher. year period. official at the crossing.
• For all drivers failing to negotiate a crossing be-
• Driving a CMV under the influence of alcohol. • For at least 120 days if convicted of a third or cause of insufficient undercarriage clearance.
subsequent serious traffic violation.
• Refusing to undergo blood alcohol testing.
• Driving a CMV while under the influence of 1.3.4 – Violation of 1.3.6 – Hazardous Materials
Endorsement Background
a controlled substance. Out-of-Service Orders Check and Disqualifications
You will lose your CDL:
• Leaving the scene of an accident involving If you require a hazardous materials endorse-
a CMV. • For at least 180 days if you have committed ment you will be required to submit your fin-
your first violation of an out-of-service order. gerprints and be subject to a background check.
• Committing a felony involving the use of You will be denied or you will lose your haz-
a CMV. • For at least two years if you have commit- ardous materials endorsement if you:
ted two violations of out-of-service orders
• Driving a CMV when the CDL is suspended.
in separate incidences. • Are not a lawful permanent resident of the
United States.