Page 18 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
P. 18

D D S   S C O O P   /   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 3

                                                                  It is time to recognize the faithful service of our colleagues!
                                                           We have five (5) faithful service award recipients. Please help me recognize and
                                                              congratulate them for their dedication to DDS and the State of Georgia.

                                                          Way to go DDS teammates. Your dedication and hard work is truly appreciated!

                                                                                 20 Years

                                                           Vincent "Casey" Smith - District Manager -1

                                                               Christina Willis - CSC #12 Thomasville

                                                                                 15 Years

                      20 Years                                  Jean Borsh - Information Technology
         Casey Smith-District Manager
                                                                                 10 Years

                                                               Stephen Sumpter – Human Resources

                                                                                  5 Years

                                                                    Lakeshia Thomas – Call Center

                      20 Years
        Kristy Marsan-Canton Manager

                                                                                      15 Years
                                                                            Lisa Gunthorp - Finance
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